Monday, December 23, 2013

Ripples #761: Gifts from Within!

Ripples #761:  Gifts from Within!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
23 Dec 2013

Anything that has real and lasting value
is always a gift from within.
-Franz Kafka, shared by Josh in Sheboygan, WI

A thousand candles
can be lit from a single candle
and the life of the candle
will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases
by being shared.
-Buddha, shared by Angela in Madison, WI

As many of our Ripplers gather with family and friends to exchange gifts and enjoy each other's company, I want to gently remind us all that in addition to joy and merriment, for some this can be a time of sadness or frustration.

If you or those around you sometimes create unrealistically high expectations, taking a few deep breaths and going with whatever is happening might be a wonderful gift to yourself and those you spend time with this week.

If you don't particularly enjoy this time of year for whatever reason, perhaps you can acknowledge that for other people it IS an important time of year but not one that needs to be a big deal for you.  Treat yourself to some quiet time, diving into a book or a movie or a bath or whatever.  Gifts to yourself can help you bring your best self to others, and giving to others can infuse a feeling of generosity within that feels as warm as a toasty fire on a cold winter's day.

Happy Christmas and/or
Seasons Greetings and/or
Merry End of 2013!

P.S.  Here is my Holiday Greeting to you:

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