Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ripples #762: Improving The World!

Ripples #762:  Improving The World!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
30 Dec 2013

The most profound choice in life
is to either accept things as they exist
or to accept the responsibility for changing them.
-from The Universal Traveler by Don Koberg and Jim Bagnall, shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ

Don't spend your precious time asking
"Why isn't the world a better place?"
It will only be time wasted.
The question to ask is
"How can I make it better?"
To that there is an answer.
-Leo Buscaglia, submitted by Pete in Ouray, CO

As we take our last few breaths of the past year and get ready to plunge into the new one, I'm curious about what possibilities exist for you in 2014.  Even if you're not someone who regularly sets resolutions, perhaps you can ponder what actions you could take that would improve your life and/or the world.

Just imagine if all 30,000 of us followed through on a few specific, concrete actions.  More than a ripple....we'd create a big fat wave of Improving The World!

Let's do this, 2014.  LET'S DO THIS!


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