Monday, December 2, 2013

Ripples #758: Sacred Idleness.

Ripples #758: Sacred Idleness.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
2 Dec 2013

Work is not always required...
there is such a thing as sacred idleness,
the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.
–George MacDonald

In the attitude of silence
the soul finds the path
in a clearer light,
and what is elusive and deceptive
resolves itself into crystal clearness.
Our life is a long and
arduous quest after Truth.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Now that the winter holidays are fully activated, this becomes for many a time of joy AND joyous insanity:  end of the semester exams for some, end of year work stuff for others, and the traveling and packing and parties and ooh just lots of STUFF to get done.

I hope you can create some precious moments to pause, catch your breath, and just rest a bit amidst all the madness.

P.S.  Many of you know I slow down for a few weeks of rest and restoration at the end of the year.  I have queued up Ripples to send out during the next few Mondays, and I promise to return soon with a renewed spirit.

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