Sunday, October 1, 2006

Ripples v8.40: Ripples of JOURNEYS!

Ripples v8.40: Ripples of JOURNEYS!
10/02/06: a FREE weekly splash from The Ripples Project

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PEBBLE =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o
We are not human beings on a spiritual journey.
We are spiritual beings on a human journey.
-Stephen Covey, submitted by Beth L., Baltimore MD

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= BOULDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Our life's journey
is an ever-unfolding work of art
that tells the story of where we have been
and with whom we have traveled.
-Iyanla Van Zant, submitted by Linda H., Manhattan KS

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PONDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Hello my fellow Ripply adventurers!

I have returned from several weeks of rest, including a wonderful retreat into northern Minnesota (with great thanks to my friends Brian and Rob for letting me hide out in their cabin!). I feel well rested, and excited to jump back into my work as a trainer AND The Ripples Project too!

For the past few months I have been pondering about how we can be more intentional and more effective at encouraging ourselves and others to be more Ripply. I am not even sure exactly what I mean by "Ripply," although it seems to have something to do with kindness and joy and love and helping and compassion and empathy.

So many of you have sent emails to say how much you enjoy receiving Ripples, and it seems obvious that you are also the type of people who send all kinds of good ripples out into the community and into the universe. I cannot help but wonder if we should attempt to harness this energy and focus it more purposely. How would that work? I do not know, and I am wondering if you might be interested in helping me explore possibilities. Maybe we could gather some people together to hold a Ripply town meeting and explore what it means to nurture and create ripples. Maybe a series of town meetings around the country?

What do YOU think could happen if a few dozen (hundred?) members of The Ripples Project community came together for a few hours or few days? You may email me, but an even more useful way would be to post a message on our discussion board. It may seem a little tricky at first because you have to create a username/password, but it would allow the entire community to be inspired by our collective vision.
Click here to start:

Please join me on this exciting new JOURNEY!


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