Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ripples v8.44: Ripples of REMARKABLE PEOPLE!

Ripples v8.44: Ripples of REMARKABLE PEOPLE!
10/30/06: a FREE splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PEBBLE =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Not a day passes over the earth
but men and women of no note
do great deeds, speak great words
and suffer noble sorrows.
-Charles Reade, submitted by Linn W., Milwaukee WI

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= BOULDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o

In the rush of daily living it's easy to forget
all the remarkable people, real or fictional,
who have been a part of your life.

But if you just imagine they are near for a moment,
you will realize that anyone who ever
touched your heart is always with you,
patiently waiting to emanate warmth and support
whenever you remember to think of them.
-Barbara Sher, submitted by Laura H., Appleton WI

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PONDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

This week I had the honor of spending time with a remarkable team from the California region of the U.S. Forest Service. Because I am an avid hiker, it was not difficult for me to sincerely thank them for their commitment to creating and maintaining such a diverse array of incredible places that all of us are able to access to enjoy nature.

I returned to my hotel room after two days of presentations only to learn on the evening news about a forest fire in southern California that transformed quite suddenly in size from less than seven acres to thousands of acres. By now most of you know that a crew of four U.S. Forest Service employees lost their lives fighting the blaze, and a fifth crew member remains in critical condition.

Spending a few days learning about the challenges they face in their work and then quickly learning how high the risks are has made me appreciate their dedication even more. As we welcome several U.S. Forest Service Employees to to our Ripples community, please know that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Perhaps we can all make some powerful ripples this week by taking a moment to acknowledge someone in our lives who we consider REMARKABLE!


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