Monday, August 4, 2014

Ripples #793: Cultivating Seeds.

Ripples #793: Cultivating Seeds.
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
4 August 2014

I want to cultivate
the seed that was placed in me
until the last small twig has grown.
-Kathe Kollwitz, shared by Julie in Eugene, OR

It’s good to leave each day behind,
like flowing water,
free of sadness.
Yesterday is gone and its tale told.
Today new seeds are growing.

I am very excited to announce that some seeds we have been cultivating for a really long time have finally produced results, and in a few weeks it will be time to share the bounty:  unleashing an refreshed website and newsletter!

The basic format will remain: Ripples will continue to arrive on Monday mornings via email containing a PEBBLE, a BOULDER, and a PONDER.  You’ll hopefully enjoy the new look and feel of the layout; in addition, we will be relying on Mailchimp for sending the emails out to help us ensure that everyone who wants Ripples receives them (several thousand of our subscribers have lost access to their weekly splashes because of spam filtering).

WE WILL SKIP RIPPLES NEXT MONDAY (August 11) but plan to be back the following week.  I will post updates to our Facebook page so head over there if you don’t see Ripples on August 18th:

In the meantime,  take some time over the next two weeks to identify and celebrate any successes at work, school, and/or life that have sprouted from seeds of your own effort that have been cultivated over the past few months, years, or decades.  
((( The Ripples Guy )))

Monday, July 28, 2014

Ripples #792: The Ecstasy of Today!

Ripples #792: The Ecstasy of Today!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
28 July 2014

Get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted.  Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

This is the gift—
to have the wonderful capacity
to appreciate again and again,
freshly and naively,
the basic goods of life,
with awe, pleasure, wonder,
and even ecstasy.
-Abraham Maslow

While you are kicking off what I sincerely hope will be a day/week filled with ecstasy, I would like to share some news with you about the future of Ripples.  Since 1999 we have steadily grown from our original 75 readers (some of whom are still with us!) to our current batch of over 27,000.  Over the last 12 months we have hit a major roadbump as we are increasingly labeled as spam.  We’ve lost over 4,000 subscribers that didn’t CHOOSE to unsubscribe, and many new subscribers are consistently finding Ripples in their spam/junk folder.

We considered moving away from email delivery and just posting Ripples via social media and blogging platforms, but ultimately determined that enough people still prefer to find Ripples in their email inbox on Monday mornings.  So, in a few weeks we will transition to a new platform that is significantly more expensive (a few hundred dollars a MONTH vs. a few hundred dollars a YEAR), but will ultimately provide a reliable way to continue our legacy of inspirational splashes.  And let’s face it:  you’re worth it.

Your patience and persistence will be kindly requested as transitions such as this invariably encounter road bumps. Or perhaps “dams” or “rapids” if we’re sticking with the water metaphor? I’ll share more information soon.

((( The Ripples Guy )))

P.S. If you are reading THIS message, you may be one of the people who have signed up for our temporary "text-blog" version of Ripples to get you through the transition.  Please know:  HELP IS ON THE WAY and within a few weeks you will be the FIRST to get a peek at our new design/layout and test drive the new sending method.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE THUS FAR!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Ripples #791: Invincible!

Ripples #791: Invincible!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
21 July 2014

We all have an unsuspected reserve of strength inside
that emerges when life puts us to the test.
-Isabel Allende

In the midst of hate,
I found there was, within me,
an invincible love.
In the midst of tears,
I found there was, within me,
an invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos,
I found there was, within me,
an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter,
I found there was, within me,
an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy.
For it says that no matter how hard
the world pushes against me,
within me,
there’s something stronger – something better,
pushing right back.
-Albert Camus

Most of us are unaware of just how strong and resourceful and talented we can be until something comes along that requires us to stand up and jump into action.  Few people recognize that it is often the INTERNAL obstacles (fear, doubt, insecurity) that keep us from revving up to our potential.  Of course there are very real and powerful EXTERNAL obstacles that provide legitimate challenges; it’s just that they are rarely enough to prevent your FULL and BEST self from rising to the challenge and eventually triumphing over difficulty.

I invite you to unleash your best invincible self for the day just to see what magic you can whip up.

((( The Ripples Guy )))

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ripples #790: Restoring the Broken.

Ripples #790: Restoring the Broken.
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
14 July 2014

What do we live for,
if it is not to make life
less difficult for each other?
-George Eliot

Your job is not to judge.
Your job is not to figure out
if someone deserves something.
Your job is to lift the fallen,
to restore the broken,
and to heal the hurting.
-The Essence of life, shared by Jeremy Haddon in Mossman, Queensland (Australia)

I don’t believe that we have an *obligation* to help every single person we encounter.
I do believe that there is an *opportunity* to help every single person we encounter.
Every. Single. Person.

The lost ones, the frustrated ones, the nice ones and the mean ones.  And the magnificent secret that I hesitate to share with you because we took a solemn oath at the last meeting of the “Benevolent Order of Those Who Strive To Be As Nice As Possible to Everyone We Encounter”: the person who benefits the most from all the helping is often YOU!  Serving others feels great; it reminds us to be grateful for blessings that we take for granted, and as a bonus it replenishes our “karma credit card” so we can be in great shape to receive help from others just when we need it most.

Just remember that helping works best when it emanates not from a sense of duty or obligation, but instead from a source of joyous opportunity.  So keep your eyes and ears open for a friend or colleague or stranger who needs you.

(((The Ripples Guy)))

Monday, July 7, 2014

Ripples #789: Fulfillment or Fiasco?

Ripples #789: Fulfillment or Fiasco?
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
7 July 2014

Embedded in the edge of risk and fear
is the authenticity that makes life worth living.
-Mark Nepo, shared by Pat in Cincinnati, OH

Over and over again, you are called to the realm of adventure, you are called to new horizons. Each time, there is the same problem: do I dare? And then if you do dare, the dangers are there, and the help also, and the fulfillment or the fiasco. There's always the possibility of a fiasco. But there's also the possibility of bliss.
-Joseph Campbell, Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation, shared by Kerry in Cincinnati, OH

You don’t get to know exactly how today is going to turn out, and you don’t get to know whether the thing you’re itching to attempt is going to help you soar to new heights or leave you sobbing like a forest mole trapped in a smoldering pile of beaver dung (I have no idea where that image came from. Just go with it, okay?).   The precise outcome is mostly beyond your control, so it might be more useful and more powerful to focus on your effort and determination and passion and anything else you can toss into the early part of your adventure.  Quite simply, I think you need to go for it.

Give this week your absolute best, and let any fulfillment be your reward while any fiasco will be a learning opportunity (and a good story for some day when you’ve triumphed at last).  

((( The Ripples Guy )))

Monday, June 30, 2014

Ripples #788: Wander to Wonder.

Ripples #788: Wander to Wonder.
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
30 June 2014

In every walk with nature
one receives far more than he seeks.
—John Muir

If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children, I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life.
-Rachel Carson

I’ll be offline for a bit as I exhale in the Rockies over the next few weeks.  Wandering always improves my wondering, and I almost always return from the mountains with a replenished spirit and refreshed outlook on life.  I’ve queued up a few weeks of Ripples so you won’t miss them, and I hope that you too can find your own special way to spend time in nature this week.  Breathe in all she has to offer, and exhale some of your stress (she can recycle it into something useful, I’m certain).


Monday, June 23, 2014

Ripples #787: Being Alive!

Ripples #787: Being Alive!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
23 June 2014

I don't believe people are looking
for the meaning of life
as much as they are looking
for the experience of being alive.
-Joseph Campbell

Lean forward into your life...
catch the best bits
and the finest wind.
Just tip your feathers
in flight a wee bit
and see how dramatically
that small lean
can change your life.
-Mary Anne Radmacher, shared by Stephanie in Tampa, FL

The last few days of speaking before my summer retreat began have been crazy AND I loved every minute of hanging out with the folks at Covance, and Promega, and Organic Valley (welcome to a few hundred new ripplers!!).  In several of the presentations I showed a video about AWE that really had me thinking about how and when I most passionately experience BEING ALIVE.  It happens when I’m doing good work; it happens when I’m hanging with people who are capable of meeting me right where I am AND inviting me to grow into the newest version of my best self; and finally, it sometimes happens when I create the space and time to be alone to rest my mind and renew my spirit.

I invite you to make time for this video RIGHT NOW, and be really curious about how you can increase your awareness and enjoyment of BEING ALIVE.  At work or at home, with people or alone, just make sure your experiment allows you to experience what Jason Silva describes in the video as “the hardly bearable ecstasy of direct energy exploding on your nerve endings.”  I know, right?  Just try it for me.  And for you. :)


Monday, June 16, 2014

Ripples #786: Learning to Surf.

Ripples #786: Learning to Surf.
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
16 June 2014

You can't stop the waves,
but you can learn how to surf.
-Jon Kabat-Zinn, shared by S Anderson in Edmonton, AB

In our lives,
change is unavoidable,
loss is unavoidable.
In the adaptability and ease
with which we experience change,
lies our happiness and freedom.
-Buddha, shared by Carl in Terre Haute, IN

You’re pretty awesome sometimes, aren’t you?

On your best days when everything is going your way—-you rock things out in a magnificent way, right?  On those days you work hard, you’re on top of things, and you’re able to bring forth your best self to handle whatever challenges present themselves.  And then there are those pesky OTHER days:  Those days when you aren’t feeling it even though (or precisely because) you’re facing a crazy mix of deadlines and crises and obstacles that make up your life in that moment.

Even really successful people aren’t able to bring their best selves to every moment of every day;  they sometimes have bad moments, days, weeks, etc.  The trick is to figure out how to activate your “HEY I KNOW CAN HANDLE THIS” alert system so when you enter rough waters it takes just a moment to catch your breath before you can surf your way to sanity.  Your alert system could be the right music, it could be a pep talk from one of your fierce allies, or perhaps visiting a sacred place that helps you renew your spirit.

Make this week about identifying what activates your “I’ve got this” button, and then go surf whatever waves of craziness get whipped up in your life.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Ripples #785: The Happy Within.

Ripples #785: The Happy Within.
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
9 June 2014

Be happy, and a reason will come along.
-Robert Brault, shared by Cynthia in Palos Heights, IL

Happiness is not in
our circumstances,
but in ourselves.
It is not something we see,
like a rainbow,
or feel,
like the heat of the fire.
Happiness is something we are.
-John B. Sheerin, shared by Pete in San Luis Obispo, CA

It can be useful to think of happiness not as something to be found be searching around in the world, but instead something to be excavated from within.  Of course this doesn’t mean we aren’t impacted by WHAT happens around us or WHO we encounter.  It just means that regardless of what is going on, WE need to stay in charge of our happiness.  And speaking of happiness, there is a bounty of it waiting to be experienced just by taking a few deep breaths and allowing it to surface.  Can you feel it?

If you CAN feel it:  GO! Go spread it around with smiles, kind words, and small favors.

Still not feeling it?  Well, perhaps you could go spread some smiles and kind words and small favors anyway; it could be that happiness needs you to prime the pump a bit in order for it to seep into your soul.

p.s.  I’ll add briefly that I don’t think happiness CAN or SHOULD be the sole focus in our quest for a fulfilling life, nor should other feelings like sadness and frustration be avoided or demonized.  I just believe that a steady source of internalized happiness can potentially increase our effectiveness and enjoyment of work, school, and life.  Get it? Got it?  Good!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Ripples #784: Creating Yourself!

Ripples #784: Creating Yourself!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
2 June 2014

Life is not about finding yourself;
life is about creating yourself.
-source unknown, shared by Ann in Raleigh, NC

Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, "This is the real me," and when you have found that....follow it.
-William James

I’ve just returned home from a powerfully exhilarating (and thoroughly exhausting) weekend with 2,000 of the peppiest and brightest and funnest residence hall leaders this former rez lifer could ever hope to hang out with.  Some of them don’t yet realize that what started for them as a “college co-curricular activity” is going to significantly shift their life path, and may even point them toward a career working with college students.

I hope you are keeping your eyes and ears open for what brings *you* most alive, and then tweaking your life as necessary to make room for more of it.  We need more people to bring their BEST SELVES to work and life; I believe you do that by recognizing your gifts and then offering those gifts to the world.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Ripples #783: Being Brave!

Ripples #783: Being Brave!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
19 May 2014

Courage, dear heart.
-C.S. Lewis, shared by Kathryn in Annapolis, MD

If you don't think
you know how to be brave,
look around;
you'll find someone who does know.
Follow him or her.
If you follow long enough,
you'll learn to have courage,
or the courage within you
will rise to the top.
When that happens, turn around,
and don't be surprised
if someone is following you.
-Joseph M. Marshall III, shared by Bobby in Woolwich Township, NJ

Being brave is *not* about being fearless. Fear is required to reveal courage.  If you're not standing knee deep in fear, the most you've got is strength. And strength will only get you started.  Being brave is about seeing, smelling and tasting the fear...and then saddling up anyway.

I hope you can dig deep and summon the courage to face a teensy or titanic fear and take some action despite your fears.  If you’ve already done that recently, take a moment to congratulate yourself, and possibly share your story in a humble way so that others can be inspired by your example.

p.s.  To my fellow U.S.ians, enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!  I firmly believe it is possible for Memorial Day be a joyous kickoff to the summer AND remain a useful reminder that our freedoms have been won with considerable courage and sacrifice.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Ripples #782: Making Doors!

Ripples #782:  Making Doors!
A splash of inspiration 
from The Ripples Guy
19 May 2014

The world has Amazing Things in store for you, so
hunt them with Resilience and Persistence.
-written & shared by Erin in Adelaide, South Australia

If I can't make it through one door, 
I'll go through another door-
-or I'll make a door. 
Something terrific will come 
no matter how dark the present.
-Rabindranath Tagore 

Last week we explored how to “hang in there” through tough times, and I thought we should follow up with something even stronger.  Sometimes, “just muddling through” is all we’ve got.  Remember, though, that you have previously survived some significant challenges and all of us—as in ALL OF US including YOU sometimes forget that we are made from tough stuff!  

This week could be a good time to move beyond the “muddling through” and instead hop up and either OPEN THE DOOR or CREATE THE DOOR that will help you conquer your challenges and unleash your next level of awesome.  

It’s true that you don’t always need to bring your best self to work/school/life; but it’s also true that your best self has a burst of energy and ideas and effort to improve just about any situation you’re in.

Are you ready?  Get ready.
Are you set? Get set.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Ripples #781: Treading Thru Life.

Ripples #781: Treading Thru Life.
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
12 May 2014

The “good life” begins when
you stop wanting a better one.
-Nkosiphambili E. Molapis, shared by Becca in Boston, MA

Promise me you will not spend
so much time treading water
and trying to keep your head above water
that you forget, truly forget,
how much you have always loved to swim.
-Tyler Knott Gregson, shared by Kathryn in Annapolis, MD

If your life is anything like mine, our best days are absolutely awesome, our worst days are excruciatingly awful and most of the other days are a muddy mix of the beauty and the blech.  I’ve found the trick is to savor the heck out of the awesome ones, hang on for dear life through the awful times, and use the rest of the days to be grateful they aren’t worse while anticipating the next grand upswing.

It doesn’t mean you’re required to paint a smile on your face (although I’ve found that even the fake ones can sometimes help you grit your teeth and catch your breath), nor does it mean that you are required to bring your best self to every moment of every day.  It *does* mean that hidden in almost every day, whether it be awesome or awful or meh, are minute opportunities to enjoy, endure, or at least extend your life.

Hang in there, mkay?


Monday, May 5, 2014

#780: The Business of Life!

Ripples #780: The Business of Life!
For our tribe of busy people who
unleash Ripples of compassion & kindness: uROCK!
4 May 2014

The business of life
is the acquisition of memories.
In the end that's all there is.
-Mr. Carson (Downton Abbey), shared by Jean in Salt Lake City, UT

It is essential
to our well-being
and to our lives
that we play
and enjoy life.
Every single day
do something that
makes your heart sing.
-Marcia Wieder, shared by Pete in San Luis Obispo, CA

While I savor a few days of hiking and relaxing in a magical hamlet in Central California called San Luis Obispo, I hope you can carve out some time in your hectic life for an activity that makes your heart sing.  Chatting with a friend, solo-time in nature or a coffee shop, or perhaps re-visiting a hobby that will revive fond memories.  Think about it, plan it, do it!

Oh, and over 200 of you shared some magnificent quotes so THANK YOU for refreshing the quote pond!  We’ll be creating memories for many years to come!


Monday, April 28, 2014

Ripples #779: Our Puzzle, Your Piece.

Ripples #779: Our Puzzle, Your Piece.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
28 Apr 2014

There are no extra pieces in the universe.
Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill,
and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.
-Deepak Chopra

When we feel passion for something,
it is because we are remembering what
it was that we came here to do.
The more passion we feel,
the more in alignment with Source we are,
allowing this energy to pour through us
with no hesitation.
This is the way it was meant to be.
-Karen Bishop

So yeah, folks: it turns out that we need your particular piece of this vast and wacky puzzle of life.  Keep your eyes and your heart open for the projects that make you feel most alive, and be curious about how that may be leading you to fulfill the highest version of your purpose here on earth.  If you’re having trouble identifying these passions, notice what you long for, what you daydream about, even what movies, books, and people you’re drawn to.  Perhaps keeping track of these in a journal can lead you to recognizing the shape and texture of your particular puzzle piece.

Speaking of your piece of this puzzle, I need a big favor to help keep the Ripples flowing. I used to be a little better about encouraging people to submit awesome quotes so that Ripples could continue being a group effort, and while a few loyal ripplers still occasionally pitch in, I find that I need a regular stream of fresh inspiration to unleash the ripply magic.  I would absolutely love it if a few dozen of you spent a few minutes digging up a couple of fresh and fabulous quotes that speak to you.  Ideally, you would share who said/wrote the words along with your first name and hometown so I can included, “shared by Linda in Manhattan, KS”.  Are you in?  Please, be in.  


Monday, April 21, 2014

Ripples #778: The Earth Delights!

Ripples #778:  The Earth Delights!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
21 Apr 2014

In every walk with nature
one receives far more than he seeks.
—John Muir

The miracle is not to walk on water.
The miracle is to walk on the green earth,
dwelling deeply in the present moment
and feeling truly alive.
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Forget not that the earth delights
to feel your bare feet,
and the winds long
to play with your hair.
-Kahlil Gibran

I’m thrilled that so many people embrace “Earth Day” to honor this precious and tender and valuable resource we call Home.  In addition to recognizing the important environmental issues we’re facing at this time, I would LOVE it if you made Earth Day about honoring nature, celebrating nature, and most simply ENJOYING nature.

Appreciating the Earth is an essential component of preserving it, so please enjoy today by enjoying our Home!


Monday, April 14, 2014

Ripples #777: Infinity of Choices.

Ripples #777: Infinity of Choices. For our tribe of busy people who believe in the power of uRock: unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness 14 Apr 2014 PEBBLE: You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices. —Deepak Chopra BOULDER: The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone. -Orison Sweet Marden PONDER: It is sometimes so tempting to focus on options taken away from us: we don’t get a job that seemed like a perfect fit, the other person ends a relationship we thought was worth pursuing, or even something simple like a beloved dish being removed from the menu of a favorite restaurant (are you listening, Cactus Pear?). When someone else removes an option, we have a tendency to concentrate on that which we can no longer choose, often ignoring a bounty of other possibilities that still exist. Of course it is appropriate to spend some time grieving a lost opportunity, but remember that infinity minus one is still infinity. The sooner we finish saying goodbye to that which is no longer an option, the sooner we can turn around and say hello to the options that are still excitedly whispering, “Ooh, pick me! Pick me!” What choices are available to you today? Peace, Paul

Monday, April 7, 2014

Ripples #776: Presence.

Ripples #776: Presence. For our tribe of busy people who believe in unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock! 7 Apr 2014 PEBBLE: I and mine do not convince by arguments, similes, rhymes; We convince by our presence. -Walt Whitman, shared by Marc in State College, PA BOULDER: There is a quality in a few unique individuals which I can only best describe as acceptance. In the presence of such persons, I feel safe, at home, and eager to share and learn. Their attitude toward life is gentle and affirming, and this in turn brings out the best and the deepest in me, and makes me feel, somehow, capable of all the good I have ever hoped to accomplish. -Alex Noble, shared by Bruce in Milwaukee, WI PONDER: When my buddy Bruce shared this week’s Boulder a few weeks ago, I immediately thought of two gals in my life: my aunts Miriam and Florence who happen to be nuns and who also happen to be two of the wisest, funnest, sassiest and awesomest people I’ve ever encountered on this planet. Whenever I’m around them, I feel accepted for precisely who I am at the moment and at the same time invited to learn and grown and expand myself and my possibilities. They make it easy to laugh and cry and ponder and explore and discuss, sometimes all at the same time! As luck would have it, I was able to visit them unexpectedly last week; as usual, I returned home with a replenished spirit and a renewed outlook on my work and life. I hope you have people like this in your life, and I hope you can take a moment this week to acknowledge their presence. Visit them in person or send a note of thanks with a specific example of how your life is better with their presence. And don’t just ponder this one….I dare you to follow through and connect with them. Peace, Paul P.S. If you really want to honor their presence, make sure that in addition to HAVING people like this in your life, you also strive to BE that person for others in your life.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Ripples #775: Planting Seeds.

Ripples #775: Planting Seeds.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
31 Mar 2014

Don't judge each day
by the harvest you reap,
but by the seeds that you plant.
-Robert Louis Stevenson, shared by Edna in Oxon Hill, MD

Every thought is a seed.
If you plant crab apples,
don’t count on harvesting
Golden Delicious.
-Bill Meyer, shared by Amy in Charlotte, NC

While spring takes its sweet time to rev up to full speed, I thought maybe you and I could spend some time this week considering what seeds we could plant now to ensure a bountiful harvest later on:

1.  We could plant some kindness with friends or strangers that will sprout karmic blooms just when we need some brightness to appear in our life.

2.  Another option could involve planting some discipline in the form of hard work on a project that has been ignored; the rich harvest of success will taste sooo good even if the work isn’t as enjoyable as play time.

3.  Finally, we could decide to plant some acorns of forgiveness, letting our soul release long-stored hard feelings towards a person or event from the past.  By putting these deep in the ground, they can begin a slow yet powerful transformation from painful memories into sturdy reminders that we often grow stronger from the tough stuff.  Acorns become oaks.

Are you in?


Monday, March 24, 2014

Ripples #774: Smiling!

Ripples #774:  Smiling!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
24 Mar 2014

Guess why I smile a lot?
Cuz it's worth it.
-Marcel The Shell, shared by Simon in Port Charlotte, FL

Two of the best things you can pack
each day as you build relationships
is a smile and your manners.
‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ go a long way.
-Mitchell Sadowsky, shared by his sister Marla in Vernon County, WI


It probably isn’t surprising to you that happier people smile more than unhappy people. But did you know that there is lots of evidence that in addition to reflecting happiness, smiles can literally CREATE happiness?  Shut up, it’s true.  You can peek at articles from Scientific American, the Wall Street Journal, and Smithsonian about about the growing evidence that smiles actually improve the mood of the smiler and those around them.

If you happen to be in a good mood right now, be sure to communicate it to yourself and those you encounter with a warm, broad smile.  If you aren’t in a particularly happy mood and you would like to be, dare yourself to try “fake smiling” for a few minutes and see if that can’t improve your mood.  It is important to remember that happiness isn’t a requirement of every moment of every day; indeed, it is perfectly normal and quite healthy for bouts of frustration and sadness to visit you.  The trick is to remember that when you’re finished feeling blechy, something as simple as a smile can help you elevate your spirit.

If you need a help finding your smile, try watching Marcel the Shell, or the sequel which actually ends with the quote we featured in this week's Pebble.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Ripples #773: Throwing Back.

Ripples #773:  Throwing Back.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
17 Mar 2014

I've learned that you shouldn't go through life
with a catchers mitt on both hands.
You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, shared by Courtney in San Luis Obispo, CA

Since you cannot do good to all,
you are to pay special attention
to those who, by the accidents of time,
or place, or circumstances,
are brought into closer connection with you.
-Augustine of Hippo, shared by Ryan in La Crosse, WI

I know you know this, but let’s review:
Life can be awesome, and life can be awful.

No matter how many years you’ve been on this planet, chances are you’ve had lots of good days and more than a few bad days.  And while no one else has experienced your unique combination of awesome and awful, it is essential to remember that every single person on this planet has their own mix of good and bad.  This is true for each soul you encounter: your closest family, friends, neighbors, classmates, and colleagues as well as the folks you encounter occasionally and even the complete strangers that you’ll cross paths with only once.

I believe the single most powerful thing you can do to improve the world is to consistently keep your eyes and ears open for small opportunities to help the people you encounter in your daily life.  A warm smile, a quick favor, even a dallop of extra patience with someone who is “in your way” can be invaluable to someone who is struggling. Your calm presence in someone’s chaotic life can be a godsend, and here is the bonus:  It doesn’t just help them, IT HELPS YOU TOO!  I know you’ve experienced that feeling of joy that arises when you’re able to lend a hand, and I’m guessing you’ve recognized opportunities to “pay it forward” because others have been there for you in the past.

I’m not here on this planet to TEACH you about the value of creating ripples; I’m just here to remind you that your help is far more precious and valuable than you often realize.  Do yourself and others a favor and throw something back today.

P.S. I'll be offline this week, so I'll respond to messages next week!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ripples #772: Your Astonishing Light.

Ripples #772: Your Astonishing Light.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
10 Mar 2014

I wish I could show you
when you are lonely or in darkness
the astonishing light of your being.
-Hafiz, shared by Pat, at Bruegger's in Cincinnati, OH

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy ~ the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.
-Brene Brown (The Gifts of Imperfection), shared by Carol in New Jersey

Some day soon
I shall invent a pair of glasses
that allows you to look in the mirror
and see the splendiferous magnificence
that we see each time
we glance in your direction.

Until then,
I hope you can believe me when I say:
you matter, and you rock.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Ripples #771: Only Joy.

Ripples #771: Only Joy.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
3 Mar 2014

Your success and happiness lies in you.
Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you
shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
-Helen Keller, shared by Sara in New Virginia, IA

When you have survived ambition and learned to live simply, when you have surrendered to the inevitability of diminishment and loss, and when you have become impervious to regret and the sting of other people’s opinions, what is left?  I took my question to the river, and the reply I received was beyond expectation.  “Joy”, the river whispered to me.  “Only joy.”
-Carol Orsborn, Editor-in-Chief of Fierce with Age, shared by Deb in Whitewater, WI

Last week's Ripples, "Embracing Change," was about moving ever upward and onward.  I thought I’d balance that with some thoughts about stillness and presence because sometimes I think we get really caught up in MOVING FAST and FINDING WHAT’S NEXT.  If we forget to be careful and conscious, we might miss out on the astonishing joy available to us even in the midst of our hustle bustle lives that are crammed with chaos.

Whatever bumpiness and grumpiness you encounter this week, strive to keep a smile in your soul along with a persistent awareness that HERE matters more than THERE, and NOW matters more than THEN.  I'm hoping you'll discover more joy than you've previously noticed.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Ripples #770: Embracing Change.

Ripples #770: Embracing Change.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
24 Feb 2014

Cause Change & Lead.
Accept Change & Survive.
Resist Change & Die.
-Ray Norda, shared by Erica in Hyogo, Japan

In our lives,
change is unavoidable,
loss is unavoidable.
In the adaptability and ease
with which we experience change,
lies our happiness and freedom.
-Buddha, shared by Thomas in Fort Myers, FL

If you’re not changing, you’re not growing.  And if you’re not growing, you’re dying.  It is fairly common to resist change that is forced upon us: a new initiative at work, the changing landscape of our bodies as we age, a culture shift that you’re not feeling ready to embrace.  Sometimes we initially experience change as such a threat to “the way things used to be” that we can spend lots of extra time and energy fighting which can delay our adjustment to “the new way.”  Usually we end up accepting and adapting. . . and sometimes even embracing the transformation as an improvement or at least “the price of progress.”

If you or someone around you is struggling with change right now, there are two techniques I recommend to help ease the stress associated with change.  One strategy is to focus on any areas where you have options to choose from.  If you HAVE to do something, it can be helpful to identify some flexibility in WHEN or WHERE or HOW you do it to regain a sense of control.  The other tip involves viewing the change as a transition to a new level in work or life, and that perhaps a “graduation” or some other ceremony can help acknowledge the loss of the way things were AND welcome the new possibilities that arrive with change.

If those don’t sound appealing or don’t seem to work, occasionally we have to just suck it up and deal with it.  And if that helps you move forward then, hey, whatever it takes, right?  Hang in there, and keep growing!


P.S. Keeping your eye out for fresh and fabulous quotes helps keep the Ripples flowing! If you find a good one, include the source along with your first name and location. THANKS!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ripples #769: Living in Hope.

Ripples #769: Living in Hope.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
17 Feb 2014

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
-Nelson Mandela, shared by Julie in Amman, Jordan

The very least you can do in your life
is figure out what you hope for.
And the most you can do
is live inside that hope.
Not admire it from a distance,
but live right in it,
under its roof.
-Barbara Kingsolver, shared by Amy in Charlotte, NC

Whether you've just recently joined our happy team of Ripplers or you've been receiving these messages for years, you've likely figured out that sometimes we focus on savoring the good stuff, and other times it is all about enduring the not-so-good stuff.  Hope is one of the essential ingredients for making it through difficult periods in work, school, and life; I often say in presentations that WITH hope we can endure all kinds of extraordinary challenges, but WITHOUT hope even the smaller challenges can seem overwhelming.

If life is challenging right now, see if you can find even an eensy-weensy kernel of hope to hang on for just one more day.  If life is going pretty swell, look around for someone else who is struggling.  Your warm smile, kind word, or quick favor may be the kernel that they need to keep going.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Ripples #768: Perfecting Love!

Ripples #768: Perfecting Love!

For our tribe of busy people who believe in 
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
10 Feb 2014


Do not seek perfection in a changing world. 
Instead, perfect your love.
-Master Sengstan, shared by Rebecca in Chicago, IL


I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can [sometimes only] give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that.
-Princess Diana, shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ


Let's face it: some people love Valentine's Day, and some people don't.  

As someone who has been single much of my life, I can certainly relate to people who feel like this holiday exists merely to reinforce a message that a successful life requires being coupled (It doesn't, by the way. For reals.)  Other people see it as too commercialized for any glimmer of goodness to peek through.  To help make the second week of February more palatable for everyone, I've often used a "Ripples of Love" theme and expanded beyond romantic love to include family/friend love, self-love and even the more expansive loves of humanity, earth, spirit, etc.  

I hope you can PERFECT YOUR LOVE this week by recognizing, savoring, and expressing all the love that exists in your heart and in your life.

P.S.  Oh, and if you LOVE quotes, I have the V-Day gifts for you:
1.  Here is a list of quotes we've used in previous LOVE-themed Ripples:
2.  My buddy Marc and his team have unleashed iPhone and Android versions of our Quote Pond that rewards you for sharing inspiring quotes by unlocking more quotes! Discounted for just a few more days so download soon!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Ripples #767: See The Best.

Ripples #767:  See The Best.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
27 Jan 2014

A loving person lives in a loving world.
A hostile person lives in a hostile world;
everyone you meet is your mirror.
-Ken Keyes, Jr., shared by Heather in Anchorage, AK

If we see only the worst,
it destroys our capacity to do something.
If we remember those times and places—
-and there are so many—
-where people have behaved magnificently,
this gives us the energy to act,
and at least the possibility
of sending this spinning top of a world
in a different direction.
-Howard Zinn, shared by David in San Luis Obispo, CA

There are big heaps of good stuff in the world, along with plenty of poopiness as well.  It is important not to ignore the yucky stuff completely, as there are lessons to be learned and people to be cautious about.  Sometimes, though, we can get too focused on the difficulties.  That can harden our heart which then makes it more difficult to see any of the positive aspects of life...which then causes to lose hope and our heart further hardens.

If you need a lift this week, I dare you to practice focusing on the upbeat people and happy happenings and delightful other-things that you encounter.  It may not be possible (or prudent) to ONLY see the good stuff, but keeping your eyes open for sunshine will likely make your day brighter.  And that could make all the difference.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Ripples #766: Getting There.

Ripples #766: Getting There.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
27 Jan 2014

You get there by realizing
that you are there already.
-Eckhart Tolle, shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ

We are all visitors
to this time, this place.
We are just passing through.
Our purpose here is to observe,
to learn, to grow, to love...
and then we return home.
-Aboriginal Proverb, shared by Pete in Ouray, CO

I just wrapped up a fun and frenetic of firing up folks in Maine & Wisconsin (cuz, well, you know, Ohio just wasn't cold enough).  You know that feeling when you love every minute of a travel adventure but you're still happy to be back in your home?  After inhaling all kinds of new possibilities, exhaling into the comfortable familiarity of your home base can be so sweet.

If you have lately been feeling far away from a feeling of calm in your life, perhaps you can get there by remembering that you know calm, you've been calm, and in fact calmness already exists in every cell of your body.  You can "return home" to calm any time you would like simply by taking a few deep breaths and finding the calm that rests in your soul.

The same is true of any other state that you've previously accessed yet currently feel disconnected from (joy, passion, abundance, peace, etc.), so I hope you create the time and space to "get there" this week.

P.S. One more week for iPhone users to download our nifty "39 Ripples" app at 99 cents:
(And let us know if you're an Android user--when we find enough Androiders who will commit to downloading, we'll Ripple one out to you!)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ripples #765: Peaceful Communication!

Ripples #765:  Peaceful Communication!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
20 Jan 2014

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek,
but a means by which we arrive at that goal.
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

People fail to get along
because they fear each other;
they fear each other
because they don’t know each other;
they don’t know each other
because they have not
communicated with each other.
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., submitted by Gwen in Coeur d'Alene, ID


Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

Fifteen years ago this week we sent out our very first issue of Ripples to 75 people who agreed to help me pilot this quick splash of inspiration.  The following year, with over 1,000 subscribers and growing steadily, we began a tradition of sharing quotes from Dr. King each third Monday in January.  (The entire archive of Dr. King quotes we've unleashed in Ripples is available on our Facebook Page.)

Most weeks I still cannot grasp that Ripples continues to zoom out weekly, with nearly 30,000 subscribers joining us each Monday for a quick splash of inspiration.  I'm honored and humbled that so many of you come along for the ride, sharing quotes and kindness along the way.  Dr. King remains a significant inspiration for me, and I hope you'll spend some time in service today, even if it as brief as direct eye contact, a warm smile, or a quick favor for someone who needs to know they matter.

BIG NEWS: we've updated our nifty "39 Ripples" iPhone app! As you share more quotes with others via Facebook, Twitter, text, or email, more quotes are unleashed for YOU to enjoy.  To celebrate our 15 year anniversary, we've priced it at .99 for the next 15 days (and then it will still be a ripply value at $1.99)  Check it out here:  (Android version may be coming soon!)


Monday, January 13, 2014

Ripples #764: Persist!

Ripples #764:  Persist!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
6 Jan 2014

We are made to persist.
That's how we find out who we are.
-Tobias Wolff, shared by Mark in San Diego, CA

And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive.  You won't even be sure whether the storm is really over.  But one thing is certain.  When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in.  That's what this storm's all about.
-Haruki Murakami, shared by Gwen in Coeur d'Alene, ID

Several of my buddies are facing challenges this week and I had them on my mind as I sat down to craft this week's issue.  On our best days we know that it is the "big stuff" that allows us to stretch and grow and expand our possibilities even if at first it can seem like "too much, too fast, too soon."  But of course when the storms set it, we sometimes forget that we are made of pretty tough stuff, and that over the course of our lives we've attracted remarkable people who can help us when necessary.

I've said this a few times lately, but it is worth repeating every so often:  sometimes it is necessary to pause and catch our breaths when things get really blechy, but eventually there comes a time when we have to pop up and find the right way to move forward.

Hang in there,'ve got this.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Ripples #763: Your Creative Life!

Ripples #763:  Your Creative Life!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
6 Jan 2014

To live a creative life,
we must lose our fear of being wrong.
-Joseph Chilton Peace, shared by Trish in Flagstaff, AZ

When I say "be creative,"
I don't mean that
you should all go and become
great painters and great poets.
I simply mean let your life be a painting,
let your life be a poem.
-Osho, shared by Pete in Ouray, CO

Ok,'s the deal:  We're a few days into 2014 and it's time for me to get real with you. I'm convinced that you need to be completely and utterly and insanely creative about the possibilities that exist for you this year.  STOP THE PRESSES:  forget about a focus on the whole year (that was soooo a few days ago during New Year's Eve).  Instead, let's focus on this week or maybe even just today:  I dare you to worry less about doing it RIGHT or doing it PRETTY or doing it WELL.  Just unleash your best effort to experiment creatively and wildly with something at work or school or life.  Try something new, or try something in a way you've never done it before.

Make today the weirdest, coolest, awesomest poem you've ever written.
