Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ripples #710: Running Fast!

Ripples #710: Running Fast!
For our tribe of 31,612 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.
-Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Do not wait around for
shooting stars to wish on.
Run so fast and so hard
that every star flies across the sky.
-written and submitted by Jennifer Cofer in Boulder, CO

Here we are, on the edge of a new year and therefore a new "space" for you to explore possibilities. Whether or not resolutions play a role in your new year traditions, I encourage you to ponder Dr. Taylor's advice above and take responsibility for what you bring into this new year. What you BRING will have a much bigger impact on your accomplishments this year than what you merely WISH for.

I am determined to increase my effectiveness in unleashing ripples of potential next year, and I'll soon be asking for your help along the way. Are you in? I hope so, because together we can make a massive impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. Stay tuned...


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ripples #709: Our Gifts.

Ripples #709: Our Gifts.
For our tribe of 31,655 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
-Kahlil Gibran

Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do.
-Emmanuel Swedenborg

As many of us gather to celebrate religious and/or family traditions that involve exchanging gifts, it is important to remember that the most precious gift we have to offer the world is ourselves. I hope you can give your FULL, BEST SELF to those you encounter this week whether they are family, friends, colleagues, neighbors or strangers. And remember that the holidays can be uniquely stressful times, so managed expectations and pre-planned solitude are gifts you can give yourself.

p.s. And a brief yet sincere thank you for the time and energy you have given to me this year by reading and sharing and submitting Ripples. #uRock

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ripples #708: Strong Spirit.

Ripples #708: Strong Spirit.
For our tribe of 31,664 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.
-George C. Scott

Live life fully while you're here.
There's always going to be bad stuff out there.
But here's the amazing thing-
-light trumps darkness every time.
You stick a candle into the dark,
but you can't stick the dark into the light.
-Jodi Picoult

I've had a heavy heart the past few days, and I know many of you have as well. In between some really fun social engagements, I repeatedly found myself somber or sad as I contemplate an appropriate, compassionate response to recent events that are difficult to comprehend. Whenever awful happens (and lately it seems like lots of awful is happening), we have an instinctual desire to protect ourselves and the people we care about. Sometimes, especially when things rattle us to our core, our "fight or flight" response gets ramped up and allow us to say or do things in the heat of the moment that might not represent our best intentions or desires.

I fear that overwhelming grief and frustration can too easily lead to blame games and rash proposals when it seems far more likely to me that causes and solutions are neither obvious nor simple. My hope is that we can take a few deep breaths, allow just a bit more time to grieve, and then engage in constructive dialogue that leads to sustained action. I believe things can and will get better once we are willing to listen compassionately, speak courageously, and work together to identify and implement strategies that will improve our world.

It won't be easy.
It will be worth it.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ripples #707: Collide With Life!

Ripples #707: Collide With Life!
For our tribe of 31,716 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Let fate do its job and make time to collide with real life.
-written/submitted by Ryan Kacvinsky in La Crosse, WI

Live life fully while you're here.
Experience everything.
Take care of yourself and your friends.
Have fun, be crazy, be weird.
Go out and screw up!
You're going to anyway,
so you might as well enjoy the process.
Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes:
find the cause of your problem and eliminate it.
Don't try to be perfect;
just be an excellent example of being human.
-Anthony Robbins, submitted by Paul from North Weymouth, MA

If something or someone has especially excited, delighted, frustrated or scared you this week, it could be a sign that life is inviting you to shake it up a bit. It you're experiencing it as something good, I dare you to increase its impact by savoring the opportunity to, as my awesome buddy Ryan phrased it so eloquently, COLLIDE WITH LIFE. On the other hand, if you're annoyed with the situation: you might want to take a deep breath and consider changing your perspective so that you can recognize (or create) a growth opportunity. Perhaps this is a chance to speak up for yourself OR learn to accept that some things are beyond your control OR maybe it is time to embrace your imperfect, crazy life and see if you can smile/sigh your way to sanity? Decide, then collide!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ripples #706: Believing vs. Knowing.

Ripples #706: Believing vs. Knowing.
For our tribe of 31,768 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Be less certain.
Be more curious.
-Steve Robbins, submitted by Brett in Madison, WI

People take different roads
seeking fulfillment and happiness.
Just because they're not on your road
doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
-Dalai Lama

Two movies I've seen in the past week have me pondering what I believe and what I know to be true. "The Life of Pi" and "Rise of the Guardians" are amazing and I recommend both highly (see them in 3D if you can--they are each visually stunning without overwhelming). In very different ways, they explore the interplay between faith and facts.

Yesterday I used my iPhone to capture some thoughts that sprang up in the middle of a serene Sunday hike. The transcript would exceed my 60 second rule about the length of these Ripples, but I'll share the link in the hopes that some of you may take 5 minutes to watch:

If life is too busy for that, at least make an effort this week to be less certain and more curious. For me, for you, and for us all.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ripples #705: Accepting Happiness.

Ripples #705: Accepting Happiness.
For our tribe of 31,836 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Happiness does not have to be deserved,
earned, worked for or paid for;
it simply has to be accepted.
-Robert Holden, submitted by Jen at Marian University, WI

Happiness cannot be
traveled to, owned,
earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the
spiritual experience
of living every minute
with love, grace and gratitude.
-Denis Waitley, submitted by Janeth in Glendale, AZ

Here we are, diving into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season which, for many of us, includes the stress of end-of-semester studying and/or end-of-year reports. Amidst all the cramming and stressing and wrapping up, remember that there is joy to be received right here, right now. This is true even if life isn't perfect, and even if life is down right poopy! I hope you can find a quiet moment to take a few deep breaths and experience a happy moment or two. Accepting the gift of happiness will make the next few weeks bearable, and perhaps even enjoyable.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ripples #704: Thanks!

Ripples #704: Thanks!
For our tribe of 31,880 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Be thankful for what you have;
you'll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don't have,
you will never, ever have enough.
-Oprah Winfrey, submitted by Sarah in Fond du Lac, WI

In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.
รข€•Elizabeth Gilbert

As some of us gather with family and friends this week, I invite ALL of us to focus more on what we LOVE than what we LACK, and notice more of what we APPRECIATE than what ANNOYS us about the people around us.

Remember that gratitude is a skill that improves with practice, it is a gift that we can easily share, and it is a tonic that enhances the wellbeing of ourselves and anyone we choose to share it with. Be generous with your gratitude, especially this week.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Ripples #703: Live Your Time!

Ripples #703: Live Your Time.
For our tribe of 31,907 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

The way we spend our time defines who we are.
-Jonathan Estrin

The one thing that you have
that nobody else has is you.
Your voice, your mind,
your story, your vision.
So write and draw and
build and play and dance
and live as only you can.
-Neil Gaiman

There are so many minutes that we have to spend on work and school and chores and stuff we *have* to do, that there are sometime precious few minutes that *we* get to decide exactly how to spend. The fewer of these you have this week, the more important it is to make good choices about how to spend them.

Please spend a moment today making good choices about how you're going to spend your extra minutes. Perhaps you'll choose to have a mini-adventure with a friend or two; on the other hand, you may need some quiet alone time. If free time is really sparse, take a few deep breaths and settle into the moment just to savor the here and now for a minute or two. Here, Now!

P.S. Welcome to our new peeps from New Mexico State University and University of Nebraska. It was fantastic to visit last week, and I won't soon forget my time with you!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Ripples #702: Vote for Kindness.

Ripples #702: Vote for Kindness.
For our tribe of 31,918 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

The work an unknown good man has done
is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground,
secretly making the ground green.
-Thomas Carlyle, Submitted by Kelley in Chester, IL

Kindness is an inner desire
that makes us want to do good things
even if we do not get anything in return.
It is the joy of our life to do them.
When we do good things from this inner desire,
there is kindness in everything we think,
say, want and do.
-Emmanuel Swedenborg

As usual, it has been a brutal few months as we've endured lots of angry "this candidate is awful" and fearful "horrible things are in store if you make the wrong choice." Add the economic challenges that many of us still face and the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, and things have been poopy to say the least.

I'm hopeful that we can wake up Wednesday morning and find the courage and wisdom to be gracious and compassionate whether we are happy with the election results or not. There is always room for kindness in our world, and we desperately need to figure out how to move into a more cooperative, civil discourse. It might be useful to start by extending olive branches with small polite gestures, conversation topics that allow us to all be on the same side, and any other kindness that can draw out the best in ourselves and others.

I'm ready to try. Are you?


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ripples #701: Dirt.

Ripples #701: Dirt.
For our tribe of 31,760 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Every flower must grow through dirt.
-source unknown, submitted by Carrie in Madison, WI

Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we're holding back. They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we'd rather collapse and back away. They're like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we're stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it's with us wherever we are.
-Pema Chodron, submitted by Rachel in LaBelle, FL

If your recent thoughts, feelings, and/or actions haven't felt like your BEST SELF lately, Pema's wise words above remind us that this may be an unexpected yet most welcome gift: the awareness that our imperfections are perfect opportunities to recognize how we might be unconsciously preventing our BEST SELF from being unleashed.

Whenever this happens: smile at yourself, take a deep breath, and remember that your awareness instantly invites options to grow through this "dirt" and blossom into your BEST SELF.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ripples #700: Baby Steps!

Ripples #700: Baby Steps!
For our tribe of 31,783 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Never be too afraid to make a big difference;
never be too proud to make a small change.
-written and submitted by Austin Walker in Champaign, IL

Be patient.
Take baby steps
and you will eventually make it
to your final destination.
-written/submitted by Ben Gordon in Orchard Park, NY

Whether you are a fresh or veteran member of our happy tribe of Ripplers, you know that we are committed to reminding you of the BIG potential often hidden within the SMALL choices in our daily lives. For example, there are considerable health benefits in choosing to go to bed a few minutes earlier or eat one more serving of vegetables or walk an extra few steps. Similarly, you could increase your effectiveness at work or in school by investing just a few more minutes in a project. Even your relationships might improve by creating time to make some small "deposits" for those you work, study, live with: a quick favor, a kind word, or another small gesture of kindness to let others know they matter and that you value your connection to them.

But you know all this, of course. Remember that you might considerably improve your week if you went from KNOWING to DOING. Choose to take some action, right this very moment. I dare you!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Ripples #699: Brick Walls.

Ripples #699: Brick Walls.
For our tribe of 31,811 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

When the world says, "Give up."
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
-source unknown, submitted by Angela in Mississauga, Ontario

The brick walls are there for a reason.
The brick walls are not there to keep us out.
The brick walls are there to give us a chance
to show us how badly we want something.
Because the brick walls are there to stop
the people who don't want it badly enough.
They're there to stop the other people.
-Randy Pausch, submitted by Sarah in Fond du Lac, WI

I often joke with my buddies who work in campus recreational sports that the reason I don't do weight training as part of my fitness routines is that the dumbbells are just too heavy--if they were lighter, I'd lift weights every day! Of course, if the weights were light then they really wouldn't help me maintain/build muscles.

Whether you're facing a brick wall or some heavy weights, now isn't the time for giving up. Now is the time to take a few breaths and either take a running start and scamper up the wall OR stretch your muscles and do the heavy lifting (but some free extra advice: don't try to tackle the brick wall while lifting the weights--that just seems dangerous).

But seriously, you're a tougher gal/guy than you realize, and I think this should be the week to face the wall or the weights and you'll be better and stronger next week. #GoForIt


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ripples #698: Beauty to See, Hear, Live.

Ripples #698: Beauty to See, Hear, Live.
For our tribe of 31,840 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Everything has beauty.
But not everyone sees it.
-Confucious, submitted by Gwen in Coeur d'Alene, ID

No one imagines that a symphony is supposed to improve in quality as it goes along, or that the whole object of playing it is to reach the finale. The point of music is discovered in every moment of playing and listening to it. It is the same, I feel, with the greater part of our lives, and if we are unduly absorbed in improving them we may forget altogether to live them.
-Alan Watts, submitted by Terry in Franklin, WI

Would you like to improve your life right now? Try this: stop and take a deep breath and then slowly and deliciously notice the sights and sounds around you: notice the beauty. There are plenty of other times you'll be striving to improve your life....I dare you to reserve *this* particular moment just to see, hear, and live the beauty that is here, now.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ripples #697: Pursue Your Dream.

Ripples #697: Pursue Your Dream.
For our tribe of 31,755 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
-Albus Dumbledore, submitted by Marnie in West Lafayette, IN

Until you decide
to pursue your Dream,
you are never going
to love your life
the way you were meant to.
-Bruce Wilkinson, submitted by Maggie in Eau Claire, WI

Some days are for staring out into space, to wander through your wonderings.
Other days are for standing up and moving forward on your dreams. Yeah, there is a time for incubation of dreams. Today, however, could be about embracing possibilities with action.

It is okay if you're not 100% sure if this is the "right" dream, and it is okay if you're not 100% sure what happens if/when this dream is fulfilled. Just decide that taking action toward the dream at hand will move you upward and onward. You'll be transformed by the movement even if you change directions down the road.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ripples #696: A Spiritual Journey.

Ripples #696: A Spiritual Journey.
For our tribe of 31,587 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Whether we realize it or not,
we are always on a spiritual journey;
even when we feel most lost.
-Frank Warren (of the PostSecret Project),
submitted by Karla in Madison

The universe
is always speaking to us...
sending us little messages,
causing coincidences
and serendipities;
reminding us to stop,
to look around,
to believe in
something else,
something more.
-Nancy Thayer, submitted by Stephanie in Akron, OH

Believing in God works for some people, but not everyone.
Faith in a higher power is one form of spiritual direction, but not the only one. I don't think you have to believe in God in order to have faith that their is something bigger at work in the universe. And I don't think you have to believe that everything happens for a reason in order to find meaning in things that happen.

If you have found a form of spiritual expression that provides understanding, direction, and support in your life, I hope you can spend some extra time enjoying and possibly deepening that connection. If you have not, I invite you to be curious this week about any unexpected opportunities to connect with people, music, or nature: anything or anyone that could reveal a bigger picture, a different way of looking at the world.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Ripples #694: Do You Matter?

Ripples #694: Do You Matter?
For our tribe of 31,477 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

We must hold in our minds
these utterly contradictory thoughts:
not one of us matters at all;
each of us is infinitely precious.
-Jane Emily Bowers

Accepting that the world
can do quite fine without us
allows us to put down the burden
of being corrective heroes
and simply concentrate on
absorbing the journey
of being alive.
-Mark Nepo, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

Sometimes we underestimate how important we are to others.
Sometimes we overestimate how important we are to others.

A wise middle ground might be to humbly acknowledge the possibility that we are much MORE important than our least confident selves recognize, and we are much LESS important than our over-confident egos occasionally presume.

I believe we have far more capacity to MAKE someone's day than to RUIN it: smiles, kind words, and/or warm gestures are needed by most everyone we encounter. Let's march out into our crazy week with the determination to leverage that capacity to positively influence and worry less about the potential downsides. Are you in?


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ripples #693: Your Now, Your Day.

Ripples #693: Your Now, Your Day.
For our tribe of 31,449 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Forever is composed of nows.
-Emily Dickinson, submitted by Gwen in Coeur d'Alene, ID

Make this your day to dream or die;
to hope or fail; to wish or cry.
Make this your day you take a chance;
to try and live through spirit and dance.
Don't let them judge; hold you in.
This moment is yours. Now go and win.
-written and submitted by Ryan Kacvinsky in La Crosse, WI

This time of year I spend lots of time firing up students as they arrive at college, and one of the pieces of advice I share is to enjoy each moment because college goes so much faster than high school (and don't even get me started about life after seems I blinked and over two decades have slipped by since I was a student!). The best way to enjoy today is by recognizing its value: today is the only day you have to live, because today is now. Spend as few moments as possible reflecting on the past or anticipating the future so you can spend as many moments as possible enjoying YOUR NOW, YOUR DAY!

p.s. A special thank you to the Rowan University RAs, PROs, student activities folks, Rec. Sports and Student Center staffs, and the new students, too. I think we should write a book called, "Three Great Days in Glassboro." It was truly an adventure, and I won't forget you...or your kooky jug handle left turns!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ripples #692: Bring Forth YOU!

Ripples #692: Bring Forth YOU!
For our tribe of 31,241 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

To the question of your life, you are the only answer.
To the problems of your life, you are the only solution.
-Jo Coudert

If you bring forth
what is within you,
what you bring forth
will save you.
If you do not bring forth
what is within you,
what you do not bring forth
will destroy you.
-Saint Thomas, submitted by Pidge in San Fransisco, CA

We have a little saying around here at Ripples headquarters: uRock!
It is an acronym for "unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness." It was also created to remind us all (including YOU) that each of us are a solidly excellent part of this world. We need you to bring forth your best self to help all of us explore our potential, and YOU need you to bring forth your best self to explore YOUR potential.

Luckily, it is not as difficult as you think to do this. Because you are, well, YOU. So let down your hair (unless you like it up, and then by all means fix it up real good) and BRING FORTH YOU!

p.s. A quick shout out to the Lakeland College and Marian University communities for rocking my week, and for the awesome folks at The Osthoff for taking good care of me while I was in eastern Wisconsin. uRock, too!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ripples #691: Life Paths.

Ripples #691:  Life Paths.
For our tribe of 31,034 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.  

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 
-Neale Donald Walsch, submitted by Scott, New York NY

I see my path, 
but I don't know where it leads. 
Not knowing where I'm going 
is what inspires me to travel it. 
-Rosalia de Castro

To all of my Ripples peeps who don't feel life is moving in the direction you want:  I want you to pause long enough to catch your breath, and then chart a new course.  Even if you don't know where you want to go, move ANYWHERE so at least you'll end up somewhere different than the "meh" place you are right now.

Knowing where you want to go is obviously helpful, but sometimes you need to get to a place that is "NOT WHERE I WAS" before you can really know where you want to go (says the dude who left Wisconsin after 20 years without really knowing what the future holds...holy moly I'm already doing this and I didn't even realize it!)

Is it scary?  Definitely.  
Is it worth it?  Certainly.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ripples #690: Tend Your Planet!

Ripples #690: Tend Your Planet!
For our tribe of 30,900 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

There is something to be said for keeping at a thing, isn't there?
-Frank Sinatra, submitted by Josh in Plymouth, NH

It is a question of discipline.
When you have finished
washing and dressing each morning,
you must tend to your planet.
-The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupery), submitted by Terry in Franklin, WI


Last week's Ripples was about dreaming, and this week I want to encourage action. It takes discipline to transform your DREAMS into your TO DO list, and sometimes that requires following through on an action because you NEED to get it done even if you don't WANT to do it. One trick is to focus on the desire to GET IT DONE and let that desire grow larger than the desire to continue on your current path.

If I find myself resisting a task, I sometimes try to imagine what it would feel like to be DONE with it, rather than on what it would feel like to DO it. This can help fire me up for a tiny chore (my back exercises) or a larger project (ooh crap, my fall campus tour begin THIS WEEK and I'm not yet packed!). Whether it is your work, school, home, or life, go TEND YOUR PLANET!

P.S. Each August I ask a crucial question that needs YOUR input to help improve the experience that thousands of new college students around the country are about to have. I'll post the question in a few hours on my Facebook page. This year I'll share Ripply Rewards for the most CREATIVE and/or USEFUL feedback. Be sure you have liked my page and tune in Monday at 1pm Eastern.

Ripples: Free weekly splash of inspiration.



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reply to this message and I will
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Or you can mail us at:
The Ripples Project,
1360 Regent St.,
Madison WI 53715

The Ripples Guy is eager to provide this free splash of inspiration to whomever
needs it, so please share this if you like it (yay, karma!).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ripples #689: Plan to Grow!

Ripples #689: Plan to Grow!
For our tribe of 30,938 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

It'll cost you nothing to dream,
and everything not to.
-Reverend Run (Joseph Simmons), submitted by Danielle in Gettysburg, PA

Plan your hours to be productive;
Plan your weeks to be educational;
Plan your years to be purposeful;
Plan your life to be an experience of growth;
Plan to change;
plan to grow.
-Iyanla Vanzant, submitted by Carol in Wisconsin

As the summer begins to fade, it is time for some of us to face the return of school and/or work. Remember that our best options exist when we open ourselves up to the immense possibilities that await; this week it may be useful to encourage ourselves and those around us to dream huge, fanciful dreams about what COULD happen, and then begin to plan out the steps to achieve them.

On your mark, get set, PLAN TO GROW!

P.S. Next week we'll focus on how to transform our dreams into to-dos with ACTION!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ripples #687: What Happened?

Ripples #687: What Happened?
For our tribe of 30,992 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Life is all about how you handle Plan B.
-Suzy Toronto

Life is rarely about what happened;
it's mostly about what we think happened.
-Chuck Klosterman, submitted by Jen at Marian University, WI

Something blechy might have happened recently for you; it could have been a minor annoyance, or possibly it was a real doozy. Whatever it is and however much it has knocked you off your best game: I'm sorry it happened AND I know you can handle it. You did what was necessary to make it to this particular moment, and that seems a good indication that you can hang in there and keep making things better. Remember that you don't have to be GLAD something happened in order to GROW from it. Hang in there and bring your best possible self to this challenge; the best part is that your BEST SELF will likely grow stronger, wiser, better on the other side of this!


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ripples #686: Width of Life!

Ripples #686: Width of Life!
For our tribe of 31,043 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

I don't want to get to the end of my life
and find that I just lived the length of it.
I want to have lived the width of it as well.
-Diane Ackerman

The value of life
is not in the length of days,
but in the use we make of them;
a man may live long
yet very little.
-Montaigne, submitted by Diana in the Philippines

How about together we all agree to explore the width of our days this week? Even if you are quite busy with work or school or chores or whatever, see if you can commit to a detour from the usual craziness to explore the unique possibilities of right here, right now. Look around with fresh eyes and then take a few deep breaths and step into the moment in order to look, to live, to be. Notice any opportunities to take an alternate route, experiment with new activities or people, or otherwise savor grandeur that lies within this particular moment. I believe you'll find it worth the effort.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ripples #685: Stand Out!

Ripples #685: Stand Out!
For our tribe of 31,103 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

We are all born originals.
Why is it so many of us die copies?
-Edward Young, submitted by Mia Su in Greensboro, NC

There is a vitality,
a life force,
an energy that is
translated through you;
and because there is
only one you in all of time,
this expression is unique.
-Martha Graham

Part of thriving in our kooky world is seeking the delicate balance between STANDING OUT (being recognized for our unique contributions) and FITTING IN (remembering our role as interdependent members of a larger community). We all long for both, and achieving these needs can be tricky since they are the opposite ends of the spectrum of how we compare ourselves to others.

Keep your eyes open this week to STAND OUT. It could be a group discussion where your background or perspective would help others understand an issue in a different way; or perhaps there is a project that needs your particular combination of skills and training. We are all counting on YOU to remember that our world improves each time a person unleashes their particular brand of awesomeness. It is your turn to STAND OUT!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ripples #684: Giving to Get!

Ripples #684: Giving to Get!
For our tribe of 31,161 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

The function of freedom is to free somebody else.
-Maya Angelou, submitted by Kalia in Sebastopol, CA

There is a wonderful, mythical law of nature
that the three things we crave most in life
happiness, freedom, and peace of mind
are always attained by giving them to someone else.
-Peyton C. March, submitted by Karissa in Sheboygan, WI

Many of us recognize the wisdom of "giving to get" even if we don't always remember to act on it. As those of us here in the USA prepare to celebrate our Independence Day, I invite all of our ripplers to remember that freedom isn't free. Many people made significant contributions and sacrifices so that we might live with many possibilities to choose from.

A good way to honor our own freedom is to spend some time and energy helping others expand *their* possibilities. Keep your eyes out this week for an opportunity to spend a few minutes helping a friend or stranger in need. Your patience and kindness will not only help them; you'll likely notice how much more you recognize and savor your *own* freedom!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ripples #683: Trip of a Lifetime!

Ripples #683: Trip of a Lifetime!
For our tribe of 31,021 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Sometimes it's ok to feel a little lost.
It's during those times that we find
the best surprises when we least expect them.
-written and submitted by Joe Albrecht in Mount Pleasant, MI

Sooner or later we must realize
there is no station,
no one place to arrive at
once and for all.
The true joy of life is the trip.
-Robert J. Hastings, submitted by Amy in Charlotte, NC


We are, every one of us, creating our own "Trip of a Lifetime" every single day of our lives. I hope you are making the most of *your* journey: savoring the good stuff, learning from the tough stuff, and honoring every opportunity to provide assistance to your fellow travelers.

The next chapter in my own trip begins TODAY. I've sold my condo, considerably lightened my load, and wrapping up my last speaking engagement of the summer before heading west into the Rockies on a month-long retreat to relax and reflect. I will emerge from the mountains to move to my new temporary home in....well, watch this video to hear the scoop on that:

By the way, I'll have an issue of Ripples queued up for every Monday while I'm away, and I should be well stocked for the daily quotes that I shoot out via Twitter and Facebook. I won't be offline entirely in July, but don't count on timely replies from me!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ripples #682: The Seed of You!

Ripples #682: Seed of You!
For our tribe of 30,864 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

What shape waits in the seed of you,
to grow and spread its branches
against a future sky?
-David Whyte, submitted by Terry in Oak Creek, WI

Believe in yourself
and all that you are.
Know that there is
something inside you
that is greater
than any obstacle.
-Christian D. Larson, submitted by Amy in New Berlin, WI


This week was a crazy whirlwind of travels and trainings: I fired up new students and their parents at Plymouth State University in NH; explored diversity & inclusion with my Boston P&G buddies (yay, Gillette!); said a quick hello to a group of academic coordinators attending an NCAA Symposium in Indianapolis, and finished the crazy week with my 11th year of firing up new arrivals at the 2012 Wisconsin Leadership Seminar.

The groups varied in size and background and reason for gathering, but I challenged each group to bring their full, best selves to pursue their highest possibilities, so now I'll pass that on to YOU!

There are all kinds of shapes and ideas and dreams that right now exist as tiny seeds planted in the soil of your soul. They are waiting for proper nurturing and a bit of sunlight so they can grow to fruition. What actions can you take today to ensure a lush tomorrow? Can you bring YOUR full, best self to this challenge? I hope so, for your sake and for the sake of all who you encounter. We need your gifts in our garden!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Ripples #681: Dancing with the Universe!

Ripples #681: Dancing with the Universe!
For our tribe of 30,845 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

You can dance with the Universe,
but you don't get to lead.
-written and submitted by Catherine Julian in Olympia, WA

Cinderella may have been given
the dress, the shoes and the ride,
but she was the one who made
the choice to go to the ball.
You are given opportunities every day,
make your choice to do something with them.
-written and submitted by Jennifer from Cal Poly-SLO

Plenty of teeny and huge stuff happens over which we have little or no control; unfortunately we are sometimes so busy fretting over these unscheduled interruptions that we ignore the choices we still have, the options that are still available to us. Just because we cannot control everything doesn't mean we have to throw up our hands and fail to get busy on the things we CAN control.

So if you're feeling stuck this week, I invite you look between the lines of the STUFF you are facing and seek the choices and options you still have. And then find a way to dance with them!

P.S. I'm always seeking FRESH inspiration for future Ripples. You'll notice that both of this week's quotes are "written and submitted by" your fellow Ripples subscribers. Do me and the whole team a favor and use the "submit quotes" link to share a fresh quote you created or just came across:

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ripples #680: Leave Your Mark!

Ripples #680: Leave Your Mark!
For our tribe of 30,855 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

You don't have to live your life
the way other people expect you to.
-Chris Guillebeau, submitted by Mari in Sturgeon Bay, WI

You will not be remembered for your grades.
You will not be remembered for your petty arguments.
You will not be remembered for your
"should haves, could haves, never haves."
You will be remembered for taking a stand;
for screaming atop the highest height
your passions, loves, memories, and fears.
You will be remembered for actively-
-not aggressively-making a difference.
So leave your mark, for if ever there was a time, now is it.
Quit playing with excuses and realize
there are NO excuses for refusing
to participate in your own life.
-written and submitted by Ryan Kacvinsky in Ashland, WI

The passionate Mr. Kacvinsky (whose submissions have appeared in previous issues of Ripples) states it clearly: it is important, essential even, for you to get out there and leave your mark.

And it isn't about what you are "supposed" to do; instead, it is about recognizing that the whole world improves each time each of us identifies and fulfills the unique role we have to play. If you have been letting fears and insecurities hold you back, now is the time to take charge and take risks. If you still aren't sure exactly what contribution you have to give, work extra hard this week to notice which tasks bring you alive, which daydreams rumble with opportunity. And follow your hunches--be especially curious about any chance happenings that may be clues for your quest.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ripples #679: Heroes.

Ripples #679: Heroes.
For our tribe of 30,891 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Heroes are people who rise to the occasion
and then slip quietly away.
-Tom Brokaw, submitted by Brian in Evansville, IN

The primordial soup that creates heroes
never tastes of rainbows--
it's a lumpy gumbo of suffering and evil.
Heroes are born from darkness,
because we desperately need
someone to light the way.
-Dave Kosak, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

If you're still savoring the holiday weekend, please find a moment to remember that Memorial Day, in addition to our "kick off the summer" here in the U.S., is also a chance to honor fallen soldiers who gave their lives so that we may continue to enjoy our many freedoms. If you're back to school/work/life after the holiday weekend, there is still time to recognize soldiers and other heroes who have improved our lives.

And while you're at it, keep your eyes open this week for an opportunity to be there for someone else. Whether it is a quick favor or a significant sacrifice, and with my apologies to Tina Turner, we are always in need of more heroes1


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ripples #678: The Risk of Living.

Ripples #678: The Risk of Living.
For our tribe of 30,943 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Here is the world.
Beautiful and terrible things will happen.
Don't be afraid.
-Frederick Buechner, submitted by Amy in Charlotte, NC

It takes so much to be a full human being
that there are very few who have
the enlightenment or courage to pay the price...
One has to abandon altogether the search for security
and reach out to the risk of living with both arms.

One has to accept pain as a condition of existence.
One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing.
One needs a will stubborn in conflict,
but apt always to total acceptance
of every consequence of living and dying.
-Morris West, submitted by Jessica in Brooklyn, NY

Remember, folks, we have only one day to live: Today. We cannot live in the past or the future, although we are sometimes tempted by worry, guilt, and regret to try. It just doesn't work out that way. Yes we need to keep our eye on what is coming up in our lives, and it is true that our past offers some valuable history lessons worth keeping in mind. AND: Today is where it is at, it the right place to be; it's what all the cool cats are drinking. So let's grab a red Solo cup and fill it to the top with the delicious, thirst-quenching tonic of THIS VALUABLE DAY!

Embrace all the good and all the messy and all the joy and all the sadness: indeed, let's you and I enjoy the RISK OF LIVING just for today. Okay?


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ripples #677: Leave A Trace.

Ripples #677: Leave A Trace.
For our tribe of 30,858 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

We never touch people so lightly
that we do not leave a trace.
-Peggy Tabor Millin, submitted by Angie in Altoona, WI

We are each other's business;
we are each other's harvest;
we are each other's magnitude and bond.
-Gwendolyn Brooks, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

Our capacity to individually survive and collectively thrive hinges on our ability to provide assistance to each other and accept occasional assistance in return. Some of us are good at one and not the other, so let's make this a week of acknowledging those who have helped us on our journey AND allowing ourselves to consider the lives that we have improved. It may just be an internal pondering AND you could make someone's day with a quick text, email, or handwritten note that describes how they have improved your world.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ripples #676: Lighten The Load!

Ripples #676: Lighten The Load!
For our tribe of 30,915 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

I cling like a miser to the freedom that disappears
as soon as there is an excess of things.
-Albert Camus, submitted by Ester in Barcelona, Catalonia

Let the moment come
when nothing is left
but life,
and you will find
that you do not hesitate
over the fate of
material possessions.
-Edward V. Rickenbacker, submitted by Charlene G., Bellefonte, PA

It started as a tiny whisper that it was time for me to sell my home and move on. Over the last few months my intuition has evolved into a quest to LIGHTEN THE LOAD. Each box of stuff that is packed up to be donated, sold, or given away allows me to feel lighter and freer; this expansive feeling confirms that I am making the right choice to prepare for the next chapter in my life.

I wonder if there is a way you can LIGHTEN THE LOAD this week? It could be a chance to tackle a room, a shelf, or even just a drawer to figure out what you can do without. Another option might be to reach inside, see if there is an old grudge or an outdated way of looking at an issue that is no longer useful. A psychic clearing can be as freeing as a garage cleaning!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ripples #675: Force of Nature!

Ripples #675: Force of Nature!
For our tribe of 30,888 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

There is no passion to be found playing small-
-in settling for a life that is less
than the one you are capable of living.
-Nelson Mandela

This is the true joy in life,
the being used for a purpose
recognized by yourself as a mighty one;
the being a force of nature instead of
a feverish, selfish little clod
of ailments and grievances
complaining that the world
will not devote itself
to making you happy.
-George Bernard Shaw, submitted by Mary Catherine in Athens, GA

The world needs you to step over the annoying obstacles you are facing and step up to your destiny. You talents, your skills, your gifts, your perspective: they have all converged in one place and are waiting for you to become that FORCE OF NATURE that is your potential.

It could be as small as finishing off a project with flair, or as grand as charting a new course in a relationship or work or life. Keep your eyes open for the opportunity and be ready to unleash your potential.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ripples #672: Donuts & Holes.

Ripples #672: Donuts & Holes.
For our tribe of 30,676 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

As you ramble on through life, brother,
whatever be your goal,
keep your eye upon the donut
and not upon the hole.
-on the wall at "Dippy Donuts" in Omaha, NE;
submitted by Diane in Gilbert, AZ

Decide to be happy today,
to live with what is yours:
your family, your business, your job, your luck.
If you can't have what you like,
maybe you can like what you have.
Just for today, be kind, cheerful, agreeable,
responsible, caring and understanding.
Be your best, dress your best, talk softly,
look for the bright side of things.
Praise people for what they do and
don't criticize them for what they cannot do.
If someone does something stupid,
forgive and forget.
After all,
it's just for one day.
-source unknown, submitted by Karen in Cincinnati, OH

If I asked you to brainstorm a list of things that would help make your life easier, you could probably identify a few pretty quickly: more money, different circumstances, more time with some people you enjoy and perhaps less time with certain other people.

Let's save that list for another day; instead, I want you to notice the "donuts" in your life.....the people and things and situations that make your life taste good. I challenge you, just for today (or maybe throughout this week?), to ignore the "hole"--the pieces that sometime feel missing--and just savor the goodness in your life.

Your life may be more delicious than you realize!

p.s. Yeah, I know...I'm hungry for donuts now as well. Sorry about that...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ripples #671: Connected.

Ripples #671: Life Flow.
For our tribe of 30,690 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Live life like the flow of a stream,
at the end there is always something bigger.
-unknown, submitted by Aakash at Rutgers University, NJ

At the heart of each of us,
whatever our imperfections,
there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm,
which is absolutely individual and unique,
and yet which connects us to everything else.
-George Leonard, shared via daily email from

Regardless of whether you've been receiving Ripples for a over a DECADE or just a FEW DAYS, today you are a part of this unique and powerful stream of inspiration. For as long as our paths cross, let's encourage each other to maximize the possibilities, minimize the difficulties, and savor every moment along the way.

Be brave enough to ask your friends and colleagues for help when you need it; alternately, if things are flowing easily for you be sure to keep your eyes open for someone who needs your help. Every opportunity you discover to help or be helped ensures the life flow more smoothly for us all.

Are you in?


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ripples #670: The Happiness Mindset.

Ripples #670: The Happiness Mindset.
For our tribe of 30,375 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Happiness is a mindset for your journey,
not the result of your destination.
-submitted by Swati from CA, inspired by Shawn Achor's TED talk

We tend to forget that happiness
doesn't come as a result of getting
something we don't have,
but rather of recognizing
and appreciating
what we do have.
-Frederick Keonig, submitted by Nick in New Jersey & Mary in Arizona

Despite what you might think, happiness is not simply a personality trait that you're either born with or "oh well." Nor is it an elusive goal only achieved if you unlock a secret door or discover the hidden treasure. Research over the past 40 years suggests that while some people seem to have a higher "happiness set point," the concept of happiness is more accurately viewed as a SKILL that we can improve with training. We can "practice" happy by helping others, expressing gratitude, finding fresh ways to exercise, etc. I picked up these tidbits from a fantastic documentary called, simply enough, "Happy." It is a fast-paced 75-minute film that is definitely worth a peek.

Happiness isn't about painting a smile on your face and gritting your teeth through the inevitable difficulties that life hands us. Instead, it is about getting to know ourselves better and finding the courage to see if changing how we look at the world might actually change the world.

If you can easily identify a few people or activities in your life that consistently make you happy, be sure to enjoy them this week. If you'd like to be happier next week than you are today, I dare you to experiment: try a new food, strike up a conversation with a potential new friend, or find a new route to arrive at your usual destination.

It also helps to follow the advice that Bobby McFerrin planted in some of our heads a few decades ago: Don't worry, be happy!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Ripples #669: One Day!

Ripples #669: One Day!
For our tribe of 30,320 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Don't let yesterday
use up too much of today.
-Cherokee Proverb, submitted by Lindsay at Lakeland College

To dwell in the here and now does not mean you never think about the past or responsibly plan for the future. The idea is simply to not allow yourself to get lost in regret about the past or worries about the future.
-Thich Nhat Hanh, shared via Facebook by Gina Sue in Lincoln, NE

If you had exactly ONE DAY to live, who would you touch base with? What activities would you enjoy? What would you eat? I have some great news that might scare you: You do, in fact, have exactly one day to live...TODAY! You cannot live yesterday, it is already done and gone. You cannot live tomorrow because it hasn't arrived yet. Our pebble cautions against using too much of today on yesterday, and our boulder invites you to worry less about the future. That leaves us with making this day your one awesome chance: maximize it, savor it, live it!

p.s. Do you know that besides this weekly email blast, I also shoot out a DAILY quote via Facebook? Just it the LIKE button on my page and I'll do the rest!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ripples #668: Make Mistakes.

Ripples #668: Make Mistakes.
For our tribe of 30,211 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back.
-Yogi Berra, submitted by Amanda in Two Rivers, WI

You have to make mistakes
to find out who you aren't.
You take the action,
and the insight follows:
You don't think your way
into becoming yourself.
-Anne Lamott, submitted by Brett in Madison, WI

It takes a bit of courage to forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Sometimes it is even braver to go forth *knowing* you are going to get some things wrong. In the laboratory of life, the art of intentionally making mistakes allows you to quickly learn how NOT to do something. That moves you closer to knowing how you CAN do it. Wisdom grows from errors. Of course there are some things you cannot afford to get wrong, so don't carelessly plow into a final exam or the most important meeting of the year! Assess the situation, and seek opportunities to make some mistakes that will help you grow into the person you want to be.

p.s. Welcome to our new peeps from Metro State College of Denver and Edmonds Community College. Thanks for letting me hang out with you all!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ripples #667: Your Team!

Ripples #667: Your Team!
For our tribe of 30,134 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

If you wish to go quickly, go alone.
If you wish to go far, go together.
-African Proverb, submitted by Shelly at Oregon State University

There is no such thing as a "self-made" person.
We are made up of thousands of others.
Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us,
or spoken one word of encouragement to us,
has entered into the make-up of our character
and of our thoughts, as well as our success.
-George Matthew Adams, submitted by Micole H. in Omaha, NE

Who is on your TEAM?

Which of your friends, family, and colleagues are you especially grateful to have in your life AND whom consistently have your back when necessary? Have you told them lately that you appreciate being able to count on them?

Since our very first issue back in 1999, the success of Ripples has relied on an evolving TEAM of remarkable people who contribute fantastic quotes, invite others to subscribe, and occasionally share feedback about how these Ripples matter. I hope that each of you recognize your valuable role in TEAM RIPPLES, even if it is to simply pause for 60 seconds every Monday and glance at the latest issue.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ripples #666.5: Quirky You!

Ripples #666.5: Quirky You!
For our tribe of 30,188 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Embrace your uniqueness.
Time is much too short
to be living someone else's life.
-source unknown

You know those things about yourself
that you're self conscious of?
Those quirks that you're trying to hide?
Those are not your weaknesses,
those are your strengths.
-Terry Border, submitted by Samantha in New Hampshire

You're weird. Yeah, you kinda are.
But here's the deal: your quirks don't show you are flawed, they prove you are fabulous. So stop trying to hide in the shadows; the world really needs you to shine. It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you'll soon notice that it will help you bring your full and best self to every day. And bonus: you'll be inviting those around you to do the same. When that happens, everyone wins!

p.s. Hello to my new friends from St. Norbert College who embraced my quirks last weekend when we explored the dangerous topic of diversity. #uRock!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ripples #665: Effort!

Ripples #665: Effort!
For our tribe of 30,079 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Effort weighs ounces,
but regret weighs tons.
-Jim Rohn, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

Let us not be content to wait
and see what will happen,
but give us the determination
to make the right things happen.
-Peter Marshall, submitted by Jenny in Sheboygan, WI

I've returned from hanging out with student leaders at both George Mason University near Washington, DC and The University of Texas in Austin. Both campuses were filled with dynamic leaders who were eager to explore strategies that could increase their effectiveness on campus and in life.

While I'm happy to share tips on time management and building relationships and taking care of yourself, one of the most important keys to success in school, work, and life is being able to get up and get out there and DO IT! Consistently taking action toward a goal is far more useful than sitting back and wishing and hoping. Dreaming is helpful only when it is followed by doing.

This could be your week to realize some significant success by putting a bit more EFFORT toward your goals. I dare you to write down a single action that you hope to take this week and post it somewhere unavoidable.

p.s. If you need a daily boost to keep you going, be sure you've it the LIKE button on my page and I'll do the rest!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ripples #664: Love!

Ripples #664: Love!
For our tribe of 29,945 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Those who live passionately
teach us how to love.
Those who love passionately
teach us how to live.
-Yogananda, submitted by Kimberly in San Luis Obispo, CA

.....Or maybe the purpose of being here, wherever we are, is to increase the durability and the occasions of love among and between peoples. Love as the concentration of tender caring and tender excitement, or love as the reasons for joy. I believe that love is the single, true prosperity of any moment and that whatever and whoever impedes, diminishes, ridicules, opposes the development of loving spirit is 'wrong'/hateful.
-June Jordan, submitted by Nichole in Eau Claire, WI

I know some people feel that Valentine's Day is a contrived event that forces couples to spend furiously on each other AND invites those of us who are single to feel lonely. I prefer to experience it as an opportunity to remember that love is an essential essence that should be shared generously with our friends, our partners, and ourselves. Love connects us to the people who invite us to be our best, full selves. I'll use today's Ripples to share my gratitude for all the love that flows from our happy tribe of Ripplers, and invite you to savor the love you've shared and received.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Ripples #663: Your True Self!

Ripples #663: Your True Self!
For our tribe of 29,836 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

It's not who you are that holds you back,
it's who you think you're not.
-Denis Waitley, submitted by Dan in Ohio

We'll never live up
to our true selves
if we're too busy
comparing ourselves
to those around us.
-Rob Bell, submitted by Tiffany in New Paltz, NY

The good news is that you are amazing.
The bad news is that you may encounter people or situations that invite you to be less than your full, authentic, awesome bestest and most amazing self. As you move through your busy week, I dare you to purposely spend more time with those who enjoy YOUR TRUE SELF, and perhaps spend less time around those who don't.

p.s. I can sneak an upbeat quote into your newsfeed every day. Just like my page and I'll do the rest!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ripples #660: Dr. King!

Ripples #660: Dr. King
For our tribe of 29,772 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

When we take a look at modern man,
we are forced to face the fact
that modern man suffers
from a poverty of the spirit
that stands in glaring contrast
to his scientific and technological abundance.
We've learned to fly the air like birds,
we've learned to swim the seas like fish
and yet we haven't learned
to walk the earth as brothers and sisters.
-Martin Luther King, Jr., submitted by Tess in Davis, CA

Dr. King's dream is alive and his legacy endures, thanks to the efforts of many people who continually renew their commitment to ideals Dr. King valued: hope, love, justice, and peace.

While I was in Washington D.C. last week to fire up folks at Georgetown and George Mason Universities, I savored a visit to the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial that stands across the basin from the Jefferson Memorial. The majestic statue and wall of wisdom will forever remind us of his significant contributions to a movement that continues to improve our country and our world.

Whether or not you have time off of school/work today, I urge you to consider how our world might improve if each of us unleashed more of our passion and compassion. Dream, then do!

The Ripples Guy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ripples #659: Forgive.

Ripples #659: Forgive.
For our tribe of 29,696 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Forgiveness is not an occasional act,
it is a constant attitude.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Forgiving does not erase the bitter past.
A healed memory is not a deleted memory.
Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget
creates a new way to remember.
We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.
-Lewis B. Smedes, submitted by Nathan in Plymouth, NH

I have complicated, conflicting perspectives on forgiveness and I have been pondering the above boulder that Nathan submitted a few months ago. On the one hand I recognize there
is a weight to carrying a grudge or holding on to a past hurt in a way that burdens a person who was wronged, possibly without any consequence to the offender. On the other hand, I recognize that many people have experienced significant wounds that were intentionally inflicted without compassion for the injured.

The distinction between a "healed" and "deleted" memory is a powerful one, and I invite you to join me in pondering how creating a "new way to remember" old hurts might help us move forward with our lives and improve how we engage with others.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ripples #658: You're the Pilot!

Ripples #658: You're the Pilot!
For our tribe of 29,733 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

The bad news is time flies.
The good news is you're the pilot.
-Michael Altshuler, submitted by Pidge in Pacifica, CA

The amount of satisfaction you get from life
depends largely on your own ingenuity,
self-sufficiency, and resourcefulness.
People who wait around for life
to supply their satisfaction
usually find boredom instead.
-William C. Menninger, submitted by Brett in Madison, WI

Welcome to another new year and another new opportunity to navigate exciting possibilities. If you want to have great adventures during 2012, it will be helpful to frequently remind yourself that you are not always in control the events and people you encounter.

You ARE, however, usually in control how you RESPOND to the events and people you encounter. Your journey will be more enjoyable if you can embrace the positives and endure the poopiness with equal determination.

I'm looking forward to another year of being a flight attendant on your journey: I'll provide refreshments in the form of weekly splashes of inspiration, and I'll also try to help you manage any unexpected turbulence.
