Sunday, December 25, 2011

Ripples #657: Live Your Life!

Ripples #657: Live Your Life!
For our tribe of 29,783 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Is the life I'm living
the life that wants
to live in me?
-Parker Palmer

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
-Steve Jobs, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

As we prepare to wrap up 2011 and launch another year, this is a great week to think about the lives we are living: decisions made, paths taken, opportunities pursued. If you conclude that any of your choices have led you in a direction that is not working as you intended, decide that 2012 will be about charting a new course so that a year from now you can more confidently answer YES to the question raised in the pebble above.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ripples #656: Giving!

Ripples #656: Giving!
For our tribe of 29,822 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Among its other benefits,
giving liberates the soul of the giver.
-Maya Angelou, submitted by Mary in Madison, WI

I don't think you ever stop giving.
I really don't.
I think it's an on-going process.
And it's not just about
being able to write a check.
It's being able
to touch somebody's life.
-Oprah Winfrey

As many of us count down the days to Christmas, some people are preparing to gather with family/friends to celebrate holiday traditions. This time of year can be filled with joy and fun adventures AND it can also be a time of stress and frustration.

You may find that the best gifts you can give to yourself and others won't cost you any money: patience, gratitude, kindness, and perhaps most of all, a complete and compassionate acceptance of what is (instead of wishing people or situations are different than they are).


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ripples #655: Saying YES!

Ripples #655: Saying YES!
For our tribe of 28,855 people who share encouragement and gratitude

I rarely let the word No
Escape from my mouth Because it is so plain to my soul That God has
shouted, Yes! Yes! Yes! To every luminous movement in Existence.
-Hafiz, submitted by Catharine in Greensboro, NC

I asked God if it was okay
to be melodramatic
and she said yes
I asked her if it was okay
to be short and she said it sure is
I asked her if I could wear nail
polish or not wear nail polish
 and she said honey she calls me that
sometimes she said you can do
just exactly what you want to
Thanks God I said
And is it even okay if I don't paragraph my letters
Sweetcakes God said who knows where she picked that up
what I'm telling you is
Yes Yes Yes.
-Kaylin Haught, "God Says Yes to Me," submitted by Bruce in Milwaukee,

If you've attended one of my presentations on burnout or self care skills, you likely remember that I am a strong advocate of learning how to say NO*. I stress that because so many people I encounter, especially the leaders and helpers that I commonly work with, are already good at saying YES.

Still, it is good to make sure you are saying YES to some of the exciting possibilities that exist for you, and saying NO to things that are not quite what is best for your time and energy.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ripples #654: Solitude.

Ripples #654: Solitude.
For our tribe of 29,909 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

In solitude we give passionate attention
to our lives, to our memories,
to the details around us.
-Virginia Woolf, submitted by Lin in Bloomington, IL


Dear Paul,
Last year, an issue of Ripples
inspired me to "spend time in silence,"
so I took my first solo vacation ever.
I'm proud of myself for spending time alone
with just me, my thoughts and feelings.
I enjoyed having the time to listen
as my heart and soul spoke to me.

I came back a different person;
not dramatically different,
but peaceably different.
I didn't resolve all my questions
and problems while on the beach,
but I found inspiration,
I found a unique freedom,
and I found that I like me.

I think everyone should take
at least one trip alone!

Happy Holidays, and Happy Living,
-Cindy in Cincinnati, OH
(shared with permission)

I know that the holidays are, for many people, a time to spend with family and friends which can be both delightful and dizzying. I hope you can plan some pockets of solitude to relax and refocus. If things are really crazy, take Cindy's advice and plan a solo adventure of your own early in the new year!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ripples #653: The Edge.

Ripples #653: The Edge.
For our tribe of 29,955 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Let your life be like the cliff,
for beauty lies below.
And only at the very edge
will all the beauty show.
-written and submitted by Michelle E. Tetreault in Washington D.C.

It is not given us
to live lives
of undisrupted calm,
boredom, and mediocrity.
It is given us
to be edge-dwellers.
-Jay Deacon

It is time to quickly recover from all the holiday celebrations of last week and jump into the last month of the year with a fierce determination to ensure this year ends on a positive note AND invite the new year to engage you with exciting new possibilities. Find your edge, and enjoy the beauty!


Monday, November 21, 2011

Ripples #652: Giving Thanks.

Ripples #652: Giving Thanks.
For our tribe of 29,982 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Count your blessings, not your stressings.
-unknown, submitted by Lana in Waunakee, WI

Give us thankful hearts.....
in this season of Thanksgiving.
May we be thankful for health and strength,
for sun and rain and peace.
Let us seize the day and the opportunity
and strive for that greatness of spirit
that measures life not by its disappointments
but by its possibilities,
and let us ever remember that
true gratitude and appreciation show itself
neither in independence nor satisfaction
but passes the gift joyfully on
in larger and better form.
-W.E.B. DuBois, submitted by Barbara in Madison, WI

Hey, it's Thanksgiving week here in the U.S. For many of us that means a gathering of friends and/or family for good food and good times. I think most of us do a good job of reflecting on this holiday's theme of gratitude, and I will take this opportunity to tell you that I am so grateful that you find time in your crazy schedule to join me for a minute every Monday morning. The fact that so many people enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy crafting them is an exceptional gift.

I hope you can stretch your self a bit this week and share gratitude with someone who won't expect it, or maybe you could practice being grateful for something challenging in your life--find a way to appreciate a difficulty that is helping you grow stronger.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ripples #651: Climbing Life!

Ripples #651: Climbing Life.
For our tribe of 29,979 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Don't worry so much about the rough times.
Just remember, you could never reach
the top of a mountain
if the sides were smooth.
-unknown, submitted by Samantha in Oklahoma

Live your life each day
as you would climb a mountain.
An occasional glance toward the summit
keeps the goal in mind,
but many beautiful scenes
are to be observed
from each new vantage point.
Climb slowly, steadily,
enjoying each passing moment;
and the view from the summit
will serve as a fitting climax for the journey.
-Harold V. Melchert, submitted by Katie in Kohler, WI

This week I journeyed west in my smile-covered Ripples car to hang out with some of the peppiest people on the planet that descended on Laramie, Wyoming for a gathering of residence hall leaders. IACURH was as fun and frenetic as I hoped (nice hosting, U. of Wyoming!).

While we were out west exploring the rocky challenges of leadership and life, back east my friends Ron and Denise unleashed a faculty flashmob to jumpstart conversations about the challenges of "fitting in" on campus. I'm so proud that these professors were brave enough to release their inhibitions and reveal their humanity in order to demonstrate just how much they care about the significant "uphill climbs" that some members of their campus community face.

I hope your climb through life includes enough challenge to help you grow, and enough comfort to keep you sane.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ripples #650: Ready, Set, CHANGE!

Ripples #650: Ready, Set, CHANGE!
For our tribe of 29,716 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Nov 7, 2011

Time does not change things,
your choices change things.
-Pastor Gary Step, submitted by Jerry

Change is the way of life,
it is the norm,
it is the underlying
law of the Universe.
How we handle change
defines who we are.
It allows us to grow,
teaches us to adapt, and
wills us to become
stronger as individuals.
Without change, we wither
and fail to flower.
-written/submitted by Brett F. Bachhuber in Marshfield, WI

This week I visited Arizona to hang out with some of my NIRSA buddies for their Region VI conference (Hey Arizona State U, thanks for letting me borrow your conference theme for this week's RIPPLES!). Then I zipped back to Wisconsin for the WAICU Residence Life Conference (Hey Lawrence U, thanks for hosting an amazing event!). At both events we talked about how change can be difficult, frustrating, and annoying. Exhibit A: Did your Facebook buddies whine as much as mine did about recent changes?

Change can certainly be a challenge, but it is also a healthy, inevitable part of being alive and you could choose to view an upcoming or recent change as an opportunity to improve your adaptability. I invite you to re-examine some shift in your work, school, or life as an experiment in flexibility.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ripples #649: Scare Your Fears!

Ripples #649: Scare Your Fears!
For our tribe of 29,550 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Oct 31, 2011

Fairy tales are more than true;
not because they tell us that dragons exist,
but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
-G.K. Chesterton, submitted by Elizabeth in La Crosse, WI

I believe that anyone can conquer fear
by doing the things he fears to do,
provided he keeps doing them
until he gets a record
of successful experiences behind him.
-Eleanor Roosevelt, submitted by Angie in York, PA


BOO! I thought we could celebrate Halloween today by scaring our fears. Wait now, what?

If we take off the mask that our fears wear, we usually find nothing more than an overblown worry about the possible "worst case" outcomes that almost never materialize. Even in those rare instances when they do come true, they are often less awful than we anticipated. The best way to decrease our fears is to turn on the lights, and in most cases that means taking action.

I triple-dog dare you to take some steps today to scare a fear away. If there is an opportunity you have been hesitant to pursue, take some concrete action to start the process. If you have been holding off on having a fierce conversation with someone, maybe you can mentally rehearse the words you want to say, or if you're feeling ready then reach out and set up the time to chat.

And here is the best news: even if it doesn't turn out exactly as you hoped, it will likely make you a braver and wiser person.

So, what fear are you going to scare away today?

P.S. Find more Ripples content here:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ripples #648: Lessons Learned!

Ripples #648: Lessons Learned!
For our tribe of 29,555 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Oct 24, 2011

The mistakes of our past are not
a depiction of ourselves, but rather
a list of lessons learned on life's journey.
-written & submitted by C. J. Massie in Edwardsville, IL

Everything you learn
will help you to solve
your problems.
What you don't learn
will cause your problems.
-written & submitted by Warren P. Brown in Sun Prairie, WI

This might be a good week to pause and reflect on what you have learned so
far this year in school, work, and/or life. I'm intrigued that both of the
above quotes (which were awesomely crafted and submitted by our own
Ripplers!) make it easier to re-frame something that you may have thought as
a "mistake" or a "failure" into an opportunity to learn.

There is still plenty of time before the year ends to take those lessons
and make sure that 2011 is a year of growth. Ponder, then act!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ripples #647: Sing!

Ripples #647: Sing!
For our tribe of 29,334 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Oct 17, 2011

A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer;
it sings because it has a song.
-Maya Angelou, submitted by Judy in Carbondale, IL

It is essential
to our well-being,
and to our lives,
that we play and enjoy life.
Every single day,
do something that makes your heart sing.
-Marcia Wieder

What activities allow your heart to sing?

Perhaps it is literally singing out loud while jamming to your favorite
music; OR laughing loudly with your friends and telling stories about your
crazy adventures. Besides these louder activities, it could just as easily
be an activity that is quiet on the outside, but still gets your heart
singing loudly on the inside: a leisurely twilight stroll, curling up with
a book, or putting together a puzzle.

Whatever the activity, make sure that you carve out time to play so that
you can return to your "to do" list with a renewed spirit.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ripples #646: Overcoming.

Ripples #646: Overcoming.
For our tribe of 29,297 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Oct 10, 2011

All the world is full of suffering.
It is also full of overcoming.
-Helen Keller, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

Keep in mind, at all times,
that we grow the most
from our greatest suffering.
As we go through it, it hurts.
But as we move through it, it also heals.
When a jug of water falls to the floor and cracks,
what was hidden within begins to pour out.
When life sends you one of its curves,
remember that it has come
to help crack you open
so that all the love, power and potential
that have been slumbering within you
can be poured into the world outside you.
And, like a fractured bone,
we do become stronger in the broken places.
-Robin Sharma, submitted by Esther in Pune, India

Over the past few weeks I have heard from several of our fellow ripplers
who are struggling with significant challenges. This news is both
heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. On the one hand I am sorry
that so many of us are dealing with difficulty; on the other hand, it is
somehow comforting to know they are not alone--others out there are also
facing (and hopefully conquering) challenges.

Life is pretty good for me right now,
but I know what it is like to face "big stuff."
I wouldn't wish my biggest challenges on another person, AND
I wouldn't wish them away from my own experience as a human being.

If life is difficult right now, remember to breathe deeply, rest when you
must, and then when you are ready: stand up, brush yourself off, and face
life fiercely. You can overcome, and you will!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ripples #645: An Invitation.

Ripples #645: An Invitation.
For our tribe of 29,078 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Oct 3, 2011

How people treat you is their karma;
how you react is yours.
-Wayne Dyer

Every situation,
if you think about it,
is an invitation for us
to react in a certain way,
but being mindful
gives us the chance
to decide how to RSVP.
-Catherine Price, submitted by Carol in Milwaukee, WI

Some situations, and some people, invite us to be less than who we are;
less than our "full, best self." And lately it seems that work and school
and life are zooming toward us with unprecedented speed and force. This
makes it too easy to slip into a mindset of "rush-rush-rush, don't think
about it just react then move on to the next thing."

When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation with someone who is
making things worse instead of better, gently remember that you have other
options besides treating that person as you think they deserve. Perhaps you
could invite yourself to pause briefly and consider how your best self on
your best day might respond to someone who is not capable of bringing their
best self to the situation at hand. And you don't have to take the higher
ground because THEY deserve it; you can choose to respond more gracefully
because YOU deserve it.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ripples #644: Happy Heart!

Ripples #644: Happy Heart!
For our tribe of 28,895 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 26, 2011

It's hard living with a hard heart!
-Eli Stende, 6 years old, submitted by Troy (proud papa!)

No matter what you are doing,
keep the undercurrent of happiness.
Learn to be secretly
happy within your heart
in spite of all circumstances.
-Paramahansa Yogananda, submitted by Rebecca in Chicago, IL

Young Eli is on to something for sure. Living with a "hard heart" makes it
difficult to notice the good stuff that is likely happening all around us.
Oh, there is poopy stuff happening around us too, and focusing on that is
what can harden our heart (Literally, according to recent research about
about stress and heart health!). So take some advice from a wise 6-year-old
and seek activities that add a bit of "happy" to your heart: look around
you and identify a few things that are going right in your life, or spend a
few extra minutes with your kindest and happiest colleagues, classmates, and

p.s. Having you in my life gives me a happy heart. For reals.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ripples #643: An Unrepeatable Miracle.

Ripples #643: An Unrepeatable Miracle.
For our tribe of 28,769 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 19, 2011

You, whose day it is,
get out your rainbow colors
and make it beautiful!
-Nekoosa Indian Poem, submitted by Elizabeth in Melrose, WI

There is only one minute
in which you are alive:
this minute, here and now.
The only way to live
is by accepting each minute
as an unrepeatable miracle.
-Storm Jameson, submitted by Deidre, Indianapolis, IN


When I left Madison this week it was sunny and 80 degrees, when I returned
from a wonderful visit with my buddies at Cal Poly, it was rainy at 50.

As summer scoots toward its conclusion and our long days are gradually
shortening, it may be time to practice the skill of present living. Strive
to recognize every minute of every day as a precious gift that must be
savored since it cannot be stored.

It will matter less that the days are shorter if you can create a
commitment to step into each moment and create a space to breathe, to live,
to be.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ripples #642: Retaining Hope.

Ripples #642: Retaining Hope.
For our tribe of 28,682 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 12, 2011

Hope never abandons you,
you abandon it.
-George Weinberg, submitted by Marion K. in Massachusetts

My friends, love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic.
And we’ll change the world.
-Jack Layton (1950-2011), submitted by Rhiannon in Ontario, Canada

Ten years later, have you enlarged your capacity for hope? Are you able to
dream about an improved future for yourself and the world?

I believe that these difficult times can either cause a drain of optimism
or a deluge of hope. We must not allow destructive forces to diminish our
possibilities, because our future improves each time we act on our instinct
that things can get better.

And don't wait for someone else. We need YOU to be on the front lines of
regaining and retaining hope.

p.s. If you'd like to receive a collection of other quotes about HOPE that
we've used in Ripples over the years, send a blank email to:
HOPE [at] (replace [at] with @)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ripples #641: Shaping My Future!

Ripples #641:  Shaping My Future!
For our tribe of 28,302 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 5, 2011

We shouldn’t give up what we want the MOST
for what we want at the MOMENT.
-unknown, submitted by Terry in Oak Creek, WI

I shall shape my future.
Whether I fail or succeed
shall be no man's doing but my own.
I am the force;
I can clear any obstacle before me.
Or I can be lost in the maze.
My choice.
My responsibility.
Win or lose, only I
hold the key to my destiny.
-Og Mandino, submitted by Dixie in Valley City, ND

I enjoyed a quick trip to New Jersey to fire up new students at Rutgers
University's Camden campus (neither the earthquake nor the hurricane stopped
these Raptors from arriving!).  Part of my challenge to them was to make
bold decisions about shaping their future and I hope you are prepared to do
the same this week.

We must be willing to delay some of the immediate gratification that can be
so tempting and extend our vision and our reach beyond what may be EASY to
acquire and set our sights and our grasp on the really big stuff that we
know will improve our existence.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Ripples #640: Lifting Up!

Ripples #640: Lifting Up!
For our tribe of 28,132 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 29, 2011

If you want to lift yourself up,
lift up someone else.
-Booker T. Washington, submitted by Nancy in Spring Green, WI

When you do nothing, you feel
overwhelmed and powerless.
But when you get involved,
you feel the sense of
hope and accomplishment
that comes from knowing
you are working
to make things better.
—Pauline R. Kezer

I have enjoyed a crazy busy week of firing up new students at Western
Wyoming Community College, Lakeland College, and Marian University. One of
the core messages I passed on to each group was how important it is to
quickly get involved on campus. Engagement is the quickest way to reduce
fear, make friends, and create deeper meaning; this applies to new students
just getting started at college AND it is great advice for all of us who
seek to have full, enriching lives.

If you want to immediately feel better about yourself and about life in
general, keep your eyes open today for opportunities to lift up a friend,
colleague, classmate, or even a stranger whose path crosses yours by chance.

p.s. Each week a few hundred more people are joining me on Facebook so I
can slip an extra quote into their newsfeed each day and I invite you to
join us:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ripples #639: Amazing You!

Ripples #639: Amazing You!
For our tribe of 27,873 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 22, 2011

Don't be afraid to be amazing.
-Andy Offutt Irwin

You are the one and only you
that ever was, or ever will be.
What you are going to do with this miracle
is a question only you can answer.
-Dan Zadra

This week I helped the resident assistants at U. of Indianapolis prepare to
welcome students back to campus, and they are not alone: my Facebook
Newsfeed is filled with comments about heading back to school.

If you're starting a new chapter in your life, remember that you have
earned this opportunity and you need to bring your bestest, brightest, most
AMAZING YOU so you can maximize the possibilities.

And even if your work/life does not revolve around the academic calendar,
you can still choose to be extra AMAZING this week and watch how much better
events will unfold with each day improving over the last. Try it and see!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ripples #638: Good Friends!

Ripples #638: Good Friends.
For our tribe of 27,834 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 8, 2011

A good friend is a connection to life:
a tie to the past, a road to the future,
the key to sanity in a totally insane world.
-Lois Wyse, submitted by Juls in Los Angeles, CA

I have come to the realization that friends
are the only true staple in life.
More than food, they sustain us
as we hike that trail of life,
taking the road less traveled,
and more than water
they quench our thirst,
our thirst for living,
our thirst for life.
-written/submitted by Amy Williams in Waukesha, WI

I am still savoring a week filled with GOOD FRIENDS! First I helped my old
and new friends at Central Michigan University get ready for their 14th
annual Leadership Safari .  While there I shared a few meals with my dear friend and fellow trainer,
Maura Cullen.

I ended the crazyfun week with three of my grad school buddies who
converged with their families on nearby Lansing for a weekend of chatting
and eating and swimming and dancing around the living room. We laughed
ourselves silly and we loved it so much we planned our 2012 adventure before
we hugged out our goodbyes.

Good friends are rare and precious gems and should be treated as such. I
invite you to reach out to one or more of your friends this week and remind
them how much you treasure having them in your life.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ripples #637: L & L Yourself!

Ripples #637: L & L Yourself!
For our tribe of 27,776 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 8, 2011

Success is liking yourself,
liking what you do, and
liking how you do it.
-Maya Angelou, submitted by Heather in Racine, WI

Love yourself first and
everything else falls into line.
You really have to love yourself
to get anything done in this world.
-Lucille Ball, submitted by Chre Parnell in Dallas, TX

Saturday would have been Lucille Ball's 100th birthday and as I sat down to
crank out this week's Ripples, I noticed that Chre had just (just!) posted
the above quote on our Facebook group wall (see info below about joining
us!). That inspired me to rummage through previous quote submissions and I
thought Maya Angelou's words about LIKING yourself made a great match to
Lucille Balls' comment about LOVING yourself.

Heed the words of these wise women and give yourself an extra dose "L&L"
which will undoubtedly improve your day. Caution: this may spread to
others and improve the whole world.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Ripples #636: Better Not Bitter!

Ripples #636:  Better Not Bitter!
For our tribe of 27,796 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 1, 2011

The difficulties of life are intended 
to make us better, not bitter.
-Jim Vaske, submitted by Kathy in Marshfield, WI

It may be hard for an egg 
to turn into a bird: 
it would be a jolly sight harder 
for it to learn to fly 
while remaining an egg. 

We are like eggs at present. 
And you cannot go on indefinitely 
being just an ordinary, decent egg. 
We must be hatched or go bad.
-C.S. Lewis, submitted by Lisa in Christmas, FL

I connected this week with a few of my friends who are each facing
significant challenges in their lives right now.  I want them (and YOU!) to
know that I am pushing out all kinds of positive energy this week with the
hopes that any of my fellow Ripplers who are struggling can hatch themselves
into the next stage of life.  

It may not be time to fly just yet, but I feel certain you can at least
crack the shell.  

P.S.  My sincere gratitude to over 1,000 Ripplers who bipped over to like
my FB page in the past few weeks.  Shut up I love connecting with you there,
too--I'll keep up the extra splashes just for you!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ripples #635: Create Your History!

Ripples #636: Better Not Bitter!
For our tribe of 27,796 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 1, 2011

The difficulties of life are intended
to make us better, not bitter.
-Jim Vaske, submitted by Kathy in Marshfield, WI

It may be hard for an egg
to turn into a bird:
it would be a jolly sight harder
for it to learn to fly
while remaining an egg.

We are like eggs at present.
And you cannot go on indefinitely
being just an ordinary, decent egg.
We must be hatched or go bad.
-C.S. Lewis, submitted by Lisa in Christmas, FL

I connected this week with a few of my friends who are each facing
significant challenges in their lives right now. I want them (and YOU!) to
know that I am pushing out all kinds of positive energy this week with the
hopes that any of my fellow Ripplers who are struggling can hatch themselves
into the next stage of life.

It may not be time to fly just yet, but I feel certain you can at least
crack the shell.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ripples #634: Invigorating Views!

Ripples #634: Invigorating Views!
For our tribe of 27,864 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
July 18, 2011

You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky.
-Amelia Earhart

More than anything else
the sensation is one of perfect peace
mingled with an excitement
that strains every nerve to the utmost,
if you can conceive of such a combination.
-Wilbur Wright

Some of you know I honored a childhood dream of mine by jumping out of an
airplane this weekend. The combination of an electric 100 mph free-fall
followed by a serene 20 mph parachute glide back to earth is difficult to
describe (Amelia Earhart and Wilbur Wright do a pretty good job in the above

I don't think one needs to skydive see the world from a different
perspective, but I wonder if you could think of some way to shift your
viewpoint this week? Maybe you could peek out from the top floor of a
building, or pause on a route you regularly travel to view the scene in a
different way. There's a good chance it could help bring energy to a
challenge you're facing because when you change the way you look at a thing,
it has the potential to change both you and the thing.

p.s.  Here's the video of my skydiving:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ripples #633: Exemplary!

Ripples #633: Exemplary!
For our tribe of 27,870 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
July 11, 2011

You don't have to be extraordinary to be exemplary.
-written & submitted by Brett Williams, Indianapolis IN

You don't become great by trying to be great.
You become great by wanting to do something,
and then doing it so hard
that you become great in the process.
-Randall Munroe, submitted anonymously

Today's pebble came to me from a conference participant who bonded with me
over our shared love of the animated movie "Bolt." The above quote was his
interpretation of the movie's core message and it struck me as accurate and
very ripple-worthy.

The boulder was recently submitted anonymously via our website and comes
from a webcomic that features "zombie Marie Curie" offering wisdom to a
female student (read the strip here:

I hope you can pause in your summer activities to ponder which exemplary
actions you might take this week to reinforce your greatness.


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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ripples #632: Being Free!

Ripples #632: Being Free!
For our tribe of 27,890 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
July 4, 2011

Freedom is the fundamental condition for any growth.
-Erich Fromm

The freedom from something is not true freedom.
The freedom to do anything you want to do
is also not the freedom I am talking about.
My vision of freedom is to be yourself.

We are celebrating Independence Day here in the USA. I hope you can
experience freedom today: consider what it might feel like to enlarge your
independence by expanding awareness of the choices and options which are
beacons of freedom.

Or would you like to experience more freedom? Maybe you could let a bottle
rocket launch a lingering frustration into the heavens, or allow a sparkler
to shine light on a past fear that doesn't serve you well.

Be safe, be happy, be free!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ripples #631: Your Light!

Ripples #631: Your Light!
For our tribe of 27,902 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

June 27, 2011

I do not wish to walk in the shadow of another,
but in the light of my new adventure.
-written and submitted by Ashley Muche, Mayville WI

There comes a time in one's life
where one must decide whether
one wants to be blinded by the sun,
or be awakened by the light.
-written & submitted by Richa R., Wauwatosa WI

We reached another "longest day of the year" here in the northern
hemisphere and that has me thinking about light. Both of this week's quotes
were crafted by Ripplers, which reinforces that each of us has a light
shining in us that others need to see.

I hope you can let your light shine this week: strike out on a new
adventure; be awakened by a new idea you've recently dreamed up; or craft
and submit your own PEBBLE or BOULDER in order to share your wisdom with
other Ripplers! Let it shine!

p.s. I'd love to sneak a quote into your Facebook Newsfeed every afternoon
if you'd like. Just like my FB page:

Ripples: Free weekly splash of inspiration.

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Paul & The Ripples Project,
1360 Regent St., Madison WI 53715

For good karma, please forward RIPPLES!

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ripples #630: Aware!

Ripples #630: Aware!
For our tribe of 27,933 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

June 20, 2011

The aim of life is to live,
and to live means to be aware,
joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.
-Henry Miller, submitted by Taylor, Wauwatosa WI

Enlightenment, peace and joy
will not be granted by someone else.
The well is within us,
and if we dig deeply in the present moment,
the water will spring forth.
-Thich Nhat Hanh

I enjoyed a crazy-busy week: visiting new students & their parents at
Plymouth State University, and a really engaging day in Boston with some
folks from Gillette (yet another group of Procter & Gamble folks to bond
with!). I then rushed back home to rest and finished the week with my 11th
year of kicking off the Wisconsin Leadership Seminar.

Each of the groups I was visiting deserved a taste of the very best Paul I
could offer, so I paused just before each presentation to take three deep
breaths and repeated a favorite mantra that invites deeper awareness of the
present moment.

I hope you can create space in your crazy day to experiment with this quick
reminder that there really is only one place to be and one time to focus on:

Here, now.
Here, now.
Here, now.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ripples #629: Bored?

Ripples #629: Bored?
For our tribe of 27,750 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
June 13, 2011

In a universe as fascinating as ours,
only boring people get bored.
-Davey Wavey, submitted by Joshua, Green Bay WI

Are you bored with life?
Then throw yourself into some work
you believe in with all your heart,
live for it, die for it,
and you will find happiness
that you had thought
could never be yours.
-Dale Carnegie

We all get bored sometimes; work or school or life just doesn't seem to
inspire us or intrigue us like it used to. When we find ourselves in
situations where we aren't sufficiently challenged, we sometimes get lazy
and slack off instead of easily performing the required tasks. We
UNDER-perform in situations where we could easily OVER-perform!

If this is happening to you in some area of your life, I dare you to SHAKE
IT UP by experimenting with fresh techniques or strategies to increase the
efficiency or quality of your output.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ripples #628: Engage!

Ripples #628: Engage!
For our tribe of 27,767 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
June 6, 2011

The soul was never put in the body to stand still.
-John Webster

Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than believe: practice.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.
-William Arthur Ward

Today there is a person who needs you
to do more than simply "show up".
Today there is a project who needs you
to accept more than mediocrity.
Today there is an opportunity for you
to engage more fully than ever.

Are you in?


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ripples #627: Have Fun!

Ripples #627: Have Fun!
For our tribe of 27,790 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 30, 2011

Have fun doing the boring stuff so
you won't get bored doing the fun stuff.
-written and submitted by Sterling, Waukesha WI

Fun is not defined as
the absence of challenging circumstances,
but as the absence of anger about them.
-Neale Donald Walsch

Here in the U.S. our summer season kicks off with Memorial Day weekend, a
holiday to commemorate those who gave their lives while serving our country
in the military.

Carve out at least a few minutes to acknowledge them, and then dive into a
weekend and indeed a whole summer full of FUN!

p.s. Does anyone read this if I send it out on a holiday?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ripples #626: Kind Deposits.

Ripples #626: Kind Deposits.
For our tribe of 27,826 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 23, 2011

Wherever there is a human being,
there is an opportunity for kindness.
-Seneca, submitted by Deb, Cleveland OH

When we feel love and kindness toward others,
it not only makes others feel loved and cared for,
but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.
-His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama

I had a busy and engaging week: first stop was Wisconsin's Fox Valley to
share some thoughts on "Reaching Out, Lifting Up: Connecting with Youth in
Crisis." (We captured some video of the talk and I hope to share a few
clips with you this summer!) Then I made a quick trip to Colorado where I
spent a day at Metro State College of Denver.

In both of my talks, we explored the value of making "deposits" in
relationships. Our connections with others are defined more by the smaller,
daily interactions, and less by the "big stuff." I'm hoping you can seek
some "opportunities for kindness" this week with friends, co-workers, and
strangers. Not to change the world (it could) nor to make someone else's day
(it might), but because kindness feels good to the giver! Kindness provides
a feeling of tranquility that transcends the difficulties in our lives and
reminds us once again that there is, in fact, as much good in the world as
there is in our hearts.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ripples #625: Possibly!

Ripples #625: Possibly!
For our tribe of 27,762 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 16, 2011

When you have exhausted all possibilities,
remember this: you haven't.
-Thomas Edison

Become a possibilitarian.
No matter how dark things
seem to be or actually are,
raise your sights
and see possibilities-
-always see them,
for they're always there.
-Norman Vincent Peale

Could things be better for you right now? Possibly.
Would it be easier if you could click your heels and end up right where you
want? Possibly.
Could every challenge you're facing right now help you become an even
stronger, more effective human being? Possibly.
Are there even more magnificent possibilities waiting out there just for
you? For. Sure.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ripples #624: Go Get It!

Ripples #624: Go Get It!
For our tribe of 27,735 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 9, 2011

Action is the antidote to despair.
-Joan Baez, submitted by Tami, Arizona

Everything you want is out there
waiting for you to ask.
Everything you want also wants you.
But you have to take action to get it.
-Jules Renard, submitted by Taylor, Wauwatosa WI

Lots of ripplers are graduating: some from high school, others from
college, and still others are moving on in other ways: new jobs, weddings,

No doubt about it: times are tough and some of you are beginning new
chapters with more fear and frustration than you want. I wish I could wave
a wand and make it better, but unfortunately I don't have a wand (note to
self: purchase wand).

Instead, I'm going to remind you that some times we are waiting around
until we feel better so we can take action when what we COULD do is jump in
and take action so we feel better. I cannot guarantee you will succeed at
everything you attempt this week, but I am confident that you will move
forward even if you don't make it to the finish line.

On your mark get set, GO GET IT!

p.s. Come find me on Facebook:

Ripples: Free weekly splash of inspiration.

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1360 Regent St., Madison WI 53715

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ripples #623: Tackling Troubles!

Ripples #623: Tackling Troubles!
For our tribe of 27,739 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 2, 2011

It's not what keeps you up at night,
but rather what you do about it.
-written & submitted by Faith Fuqua-Purvis, Michigan

I've heard there are troubles
of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead
and some from behind.
But I've bought a big bat.
I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going
to have troubles with me.
-Dr. Suess, submitted by Montanna from Wisconsin (!)

May is here.

How the heck did THAT happen? I dunno, but time keeps flying by and as
some of our ripplers get ready to wrap up the academic year, I think ALL of
us are thinking about the fast approaching summer. Spring cleaning is
probably talked about more than it is done, but let's all agree to tackle
some troubles this week to make room in our lives for something more fun
this summer!

Whether it is some chores, or a difficult conversation, or a project with a
looming deadline, I'm sure you'll feel better if you get them out of the
way. Commit a few minutes to GET STARTED and soon it will be easier to keep
going than it is to stop. And before you know it, we'll be waving goodbye
to those troubles and get ready for the good stuff!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ripples #622: The Interior!

Ripples #622: The Interior!
For our tribe of 27,749 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Apr 25, 2011

There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one
spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.
-Victor Hugo

People have been deluded
into believing that
the key to happiness lies
in reforming their exterior.
In fact, it is one's interior
that holds the key.
-Thich Nhat Hanh, submitted by Eileen, Buffalo NY

I have flown away to a tiny hamlet in California for a few days of R&R
(renewal and reconnections), but before disappearing I combined the above
quotes to challenge you to consider your "interior" this week.

What if you carved out some time from your craziness to contemplate the
"State of your Soul?" What shifts could you make in your interior thoughts
and actions that might align more closely the exterior life you are
currently leading with your highest, most exquisite interior?

Imagine, then act!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ripples #621: Wrong Turns.

Ripples #621: Wrong Turns.
For our tribe of 27,717 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Apr 18, 2011

Wrong turns are as important as right turns. More important, sometimes.
-Richard Bach, submitted by Megan, Camden NJ

Success becomes mine as I build
creatively and enthusiastically
on each small failure that tries
temporarily and fruitlessly
to slow me down.
-James Richards, submitted by Troy, Minneapolis MN

Did you make a wrong turn recently? Good for you! Whether you know it or
not, that may have been the best mistake you ever made. You will learn from
it, you will be humbled by it, and hopefully you will be motivated to avoid
THAT mistake again.

Don't spend too many minutes shaming or blaming. Instead, take a few deep
breaths so you can access your best, full self and then decide how you will
move forward from here.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ripples #620: Notice!

Ripples #620: Notice!
For our tribe of 27,487 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Apr 11, 2011

Never live life unnoticed.
-source unknown, submitted by Vanessa, Michigan

We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But
great moments often catch us unaware - beautifully wrapped in what others
may consider a small one.
-Kent Nerburn, submitted by Amanda, Saratoga

This week I enjoyed a fast yet fabulous journey to Moscow, Idaho for a
human rights conference called "Finding The Center." I hugged some old
friends and made some new ones and in a blink of an eye the day was over.
On the ninety minute drive back to Spokane, something magical happened: I

I noticed the gently rolling hills that are the most distinctive I've yet
encountered. I noticed the clouds dancing in the sky, kindly letting the
sun peek through to say hello. I noticed the curvy roads and hilly terrain
reminding me that "straight and flat" is vastly over-rated. And I noticed
that even though I won't soon cross paths with the really cool people I met
in Moscow, I had stored tiny pieces of their love in my heart. And as I
arrived at my destination, I heard my soul whisper: "Tell *them* to notice
more, too."

"Indeed I will," I whispered back with a smile.

So I did.


Ripples: Free weekly splash of inspiration.

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1360 Regent St., Madison WI 53715

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ripples #619: Create Your Life!

Ripples #619: Create Your Life!
For our tribe of 27,504 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Apr 4, 2011

I feel very adventurous.
There are so many doors to be opened,
and I'm not afraid to look behind them.
-Elizabeth Taylor, submitted by Sandra, San Luis Obispo OH

The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people
create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives,
passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between
the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.
-Michael Gerber submitted by Christopher, Pittsburgh PA

Life can be exhilarating and exhausting, exciting and frustrating, engaging
and devastating. All at once, even! Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by the
stuff happening to us that we forget that fully living means embracing the
good stuff, bracing for the bad stuff, and always remembering that we have
choices to make and actions to take that can help us face the craziness and
influence how things turn out from here.

Whether you are facing teeny or titanic challenges this week, I dare you to
channel the energy of the late, great Elizabeth Taylor and look behind every
door to find your adventure.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ripples #618.5: The First.

Ripples #618.5: The Truth.
For our tribe of some people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Apr 1, 2011

This is the first.
-Yu No

Sometimes The First
is the winner, the best.
Or not.
-Chuck Hulls

Do you know what The First is?
Do you know when The First is?
If not, I bet you are pretty confused right now.
Why is this happening?
Because this is The First.

p.s. Happy April 1st. Learn more here:'_Day

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ripples #618: Today's Peace!

Ripples #618: Today's Peace!
For our tribe of 27,484 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 28, 2011

Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles;
it takes away today's peace.
-source unknown, submitted by Angela, Mississauga, Ontario (Canada)

Finish each day and be done with it before you begin the next. Interpose a
solid wall of sleep between the two. You have done what you could. Some
blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely....
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, submitted by Jackie, DeKalb IL

Some of you know about the abbreviation I use to help me avoid the pitfalls
of ruining today's peace: L.I.G. When I make a mistake, I strive to
correct it and then LET IT GO so I can move on to the next thing. If some
grumpy soul interrupts my glorious afternoon, I roll my eyes, brainstorm an
illusion about why s/he was so rude (just got fired, lost the car keys,
received bad news) and then I LET IT GO.

Sometimes I forget, and end up needlessly infecting my life with undo
amounts of yuckiness. A little bit of "nervous anticipation" about possible
negative outcomes is part of life; we just need to be intentional about how
much we WORRY and how much we ENJOY TODAY.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ripples #617: Spring Thaw!

Ripples #617: Spring Thaw!
For our tribe of 27,335 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 21, 2011

Spring is when you feel like whistling
even with a shoe full of slush.
-Doug Larson

If there comes a little thaw,
Still the air is chill and raw,
Here and there a patch of snow,
Dirtier than the ground below,
Dribbles down a marshy flood;
Ankle-deep you stick in mud
In the meadows while you sing,
"This is Spring."
-Christopher Pearce Cranch, A Spring Growl

Happy spring to you. As the snow melts and the ground thaws, Mother Nature
is preparing to dazzle us with green grass, blue skies, and oh yes the
myriad hues of flowers. It also means we'll need to put up with some
blustery, rainy days (like the one we're experiencing here in Madison as I
write this).

I hope you get to experience some hopeful sign of spring this week, and I
hope you find the patience to endure some of the inevitable messiness that
comes along with transitions.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ripples #616: Determination!

Ripples #616: Determination!
For our tribe of 27,328 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 14, 2011

You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go
to bed with satisfaction.
-George Lorimer, submitted by Stephanie, DeForest WI

Some succeed because
they are destined to,
but most succeed because
they are determined to.
-source unknown, submitted by Kim, Oconomowoc WI

People rarely stumble upon great achievements, and they almost never
accomplish big things without encountering some obstacles. It's all about
creating a vision of success, then staying fired up long enough to endure
the inevitable stumbling blocks.

Whether you have to push through or find a path around the difficulties, I
hope you can take two scoops of determination so you can make it to the
finish line.

You go, my friend, YOU GO!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ripples #615: Show Yourself!

Ripples #615: Show Yourself!
For our tribe of 27,310 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 7, 2011

Make visible what, without you,
might perhaps have never been seen.
-Robert Bresson

When you allow your best self
to shine through
and have the courage to believe
in unlimited possibilities,
you will discover
how wonderfully magnificent
you truly are!
-written & submitted by Elizabeth Hyland

It may be time to take a deep breath and remind yourself that you really
are, as Ms. Hyland states above, Magnificent. And being Magnificent means
that you cannot simply shirk in the shadows, nor can you collapse into a
heap because you feel overwhelmed or defeated by the (real) challenges life
is presenting to you lately.

Your colleagues, your neighbors, your community, and indeed everyone in the
entire world desperately needs you to release your Magnificence this week.
So take one more moment to catch your breath and then hop up, dust yourself
off, and then give us your absolute best self. Please, and thank you.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ripples #614: Chances Taken?

Ripples #614: Chances Taken?
For our tribe of 27,303 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Feb 28, 2011

It's not the opportunities given,
but the chances taken!
-written & submitted by Unique Zebal, Eureka CA

Take a chance!
All life is chance.
The person who goes furthest
is generally the one who is
willing to do and dare.
-Dale Carnegie, submitted by Katherine, Milwaukee WI

Good news! We don't need to succeed in order to benefit from a chance
taken, because we often become braver and stronger and wiser even if the
desired outcome isn't achieved. We learn from our mistakes, and our
perspective shifts with the added experience.

We don't need guarantees of success, we just need to be confident that we
will scoot closer to our ideal selves. Of course we need to consider the
risks and make sure we have properly prepared; at some point, though, we
need to trust the process and just go for it.

On your mark, get set... GO!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ripples #613: Quirky You!

Ripples #613: Quirky You!
For our tribe of 27,232 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Feb 21, 2011

Masquerading as a normal person
day after day is exhausting.
-source unknown, submitted by Linda, Omaha NE

You know those things about yourself
that you're self conscious of?
Those quirks that you're trying to hide?
Those are not your weaknesses,
those are your strengths.
-Terry Border, submitted by Becky S., Chicago

Do you often think that you are you weird?
Have others said you are weird?
If so, this is good news!

Being "weird" means you are different, and once you embrace the fact that
you are different you can move on to understand that your particular "weird"
is desperately needed to make the world a better place.

How do I know this with such certainty? Because here you are in the world!
You are YOU for a reason, and you are HERE for a reason. Imagine a whole
crowd of people chanting,
"You're Here! You're Weird! You're Awesome! Get used to it!"


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ripples #612: Lots Of Varied Experiences!

Ripples #612: Lots Of Varied Experiences!
For our tribe of 27,163 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Feb 14, 2011

Do not seek perfection in a changing world.
Instead, perfect your love.
-Master Sengstan, submitted by Rebecca, Chicago IL

Love is friendship that has caught fire.
It is quiet understanding,
mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving.
It is loyalty through good and bad times.
It settles for less than perfection and
makes allowances for human weaknesses.
-Ann Landers

While pondering recently how I could inspire ALL of us (regardless of
relationship status) to participate in this love-themed holiday, I decided
that L.O.V.E. could be an acronym for Lots Of Varied Experiences. Even if
you are not romantically connected on this Valentine's Day, LOVE is
something you hopefully feel towards yourself and at least a few others in
your life (friends, family, pets, etc.).

Many people will celebrate Valentine's Day today with flowers and candy and
cards and kisses. There are, however, many other ways we can express our
love towards the people around us: warm smiles, kind gestures and brief
notes are all valuable without being expensive.

Consider doing something extra special today to remind yourself and the
world that LOVE, in all its forms, is real, abundant, and essential.

Peace & L.O.V.E. to you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ripples #611: Your Grand Legend!

Ripples #611: Your Grand Legend!
For our tribe of 27,165 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Feb 7, 2011

What looks like adversity now will only become
the architecture of grand legend later.
-Billy Corgan, submitted by Jason, San Luis Obispo CA

We cannot change our past.
We cannot change the fact
that people act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play
the one string we have,
and that is our attitude.
-Charles R. Swindoll, submitted by JU, Mt. Pleasant MI

If your day (or week/semester/job/life) is not going well, that just
stinks. And while I unfortunately cannot wave a magic wand to eliminate the
poopy stuff and replace it with roses, I CAN give you a gentle nudge to see
if you can hang in there one more day.

This week's pebble suggests your current difficulty will eventually be a
trophy on your shelf; something you may not have ENJOYED enduring, but that
you are proud you conquered.

You are, by the way, doing something right. How do I know? Because you
made it to today. RIGHT ON! Take a few deep breaths, go in a closet and
scream for a minute if you need to, and then come out ready to take action
to improve your day/week/semester/job/life.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ripples #610: Felonious Kindness!

Ripples #610: Felonious Kindness!
For our tribe of 27,160 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Jan 31, 2011

If you were arrested for being kind,
would there be enough evidence to convict you?
-source unknown, submitted by David, Madison WI

Kindness is an inner desire
that makes us want to do good things
even if we do not get anything in return.
It is the joy of our life to do them.
When we do good things
from this inner desire,
there is kindness in everything
we think, say, want and do.
-Emmanuel Swedenborg, submitted by Deb, Cleveland OH

This week's pebble uses a tricky metaphor for kindness and at the risk of
pushing it too far, I challenge you to spend some time thinking about what
"kind crimes" you've committed lately. I propose that being nice is just a
misdemeanor; I want you to commit a felony of kindness this week--go ALL the
way and surprise a stranger, friend, classmate, or colleague with a sincere
gesture that could make their moment, their day, or maybe even their life.

p.s. Just remember that we aren't encouraging you to break the law, just
break through the limits of your recent kindnesses.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ripples #609: Really Living!

Ripples #609: Really Living!
For our tribe of 27,125 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Jan 24, 2011


You must live in the present,
launch yourself on every wave,
find your eternity in each moment.
-Henry David Thoreau, submitted by Chris, San Luis Obispo CA

REALLY living
is when a human being
chooses to awaken
from their comfy trance
of resignation
and circumstance
and step into
their destiny,
their purpose,
their freedom,
their possibility.
-Judy Morris, submitted by Scott, New York NY

What would happen if you decided, just for a short time, to lay down all
the difficulties and frustrations and stress and take a moment to breathe
deeply, smile warmly, and embrace the possibility that you really can choose
to really live. Really!


Ripples: Free weekly splash of inspiration.

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Paul & The Ripples Project,
1360 Regent St., Madison WI 53715

For good karma, please forward RIPPLES!

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ripples #608: Dr. King!

Ripples #608: Dr. King!
For our tribe of 27,031 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Jan 17, 2011

In the end we will remember
not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

On some positions,
Cowardice asks the question
"Is it safe?"
Expediency asks the question
"Is it politic?"
And Vanity comes along
and asks the question
"Is it popular?"
But Conscience asks the question
"Is it right?"
And there comes a time
when one must take a position
that is neither safe,
nor politic, nor popular,
but he must do it because
Conscience tells him
it is right.
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., submitted by Cathy, Richmond IN


Dear Dr. King,

Our country continues to break down barriers for all people and there are
many brave people working to keep your dream alive. There are some
significant challenges too, and in the wake of the recent tragedy some of us
worry that, despite wise words from our president (he referenced your last
speech even!), our national mourning has been tainted with bitterness.

Peace is neither a simple nor easy pursuit; I promise we will keep working
hard to address our own fears, to maintain empathy for those who resist
progress, and to seek the right combination of talking, listening, and
acting that will promote peace in our communities, our country, and our

We miss you,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ripples #607: The Dance of Creativity!

Ripples #607: The Dance of Creativity!
For our tribe of 27,089 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Jan 10, 2011

Your creativity is waiting for you like a dancing partner.
-Barbara Sher, submitted by Mickey, Olympia WA

Be daring,
be different,
be impractical,
be anything that will assert
integrity of purpose and
imaginative vision
against the play-it-safers,
the creatures of the commonplace,
the slaves of the ordinary.
-Sir Cecil Beaton, submitted by Peter, Lubbock TX

Your unique and fabulous creative talent is desperately needed. The people
around you, indeed the people of the world are counting on you to step up
and deliver magnificence. If you're shirking in the shadows, afraid that
someone will judge you or ridicule you or shame you, let me address that
fear: someone indeed might judge, ridicule, and/or shame you. AND I'm
quite sure there is someone who may just as loudly encourage you, applaud
you, and yes, even celebrate you.

So step out of the shadows this week and dance with your creativity!

p.s. If you need some help in this department, watch Katie Perry's
Firework video (again!):

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ripples #606: Choices in Living!

Ripples #606: Choices in Living!
For our tribe of 27,061 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Jan 3, 2011

The doors we open and close each day
decide the lives we live.
-Flora Whittemore, submitted by Ryan, Ashland WI

Really living
is when a human being chooses
to awaken from their comfy trance
of resignation and circumstance
and step into their destiny,
their purpose, their freedom,
their possibility.
-Judy Morris, submitted by Scott, New York NY

Welcome to 2011!

We've all heard the statistics about how few resolutions make it out of
January alive. Still, the new year remains an excellent opportunity to
embrace the new year as a fresh opportunity to consider more consciously the
choices we are making. Making even a few different choices today could
radically alter your life in just a few short months, so perhaps instead of
RESOLUTIONS, we could decide this week which CHOICES might improve our
tomorrows. Are you in?
